This is so totally on my Wish List now:
It’s the RPG for Charlie Stross’s brilliant espionage/Cthulhu Mythos Laundry Files series, and IT MUST BE MINE. If only for completeness’ sake.
This is so totally on my Wish List now:
It’s the RPG for Charlie Stross’s brilliant espionage/Cthulhu Mythos Laundry Files series, and IT MUST BE MINE. If only for completeness’ sake.
Whatever Microsoft is charging for its “Let’s balance the federal budget!” game that the government has requested…
…I’m pretty sure that I can bring it in for less. I even have a script already planned out: Continue reading My brief foray into fiscal text-based RPGs.
And I don’t mean ‘gamer’ in this modern, I-have-my-own-Mt-Dew-flavor sense:
…and out of curiosity? Is the intent here really to suggest that the average World of Warcraft players are attractive young women with Poor Impulse Control tattooed on their foreheads*?
No, I mean real gamers. Ones with multiple types of dice and more pencils than erasers. Well, here it is:
I own Champions books so old that they have freaking staples. Staying out of this one is going to be a chore and a half.
Moe Lane
You walk a mystical path, and are a creature of the spiritual and the supernatural. You are introspective and self-reliant, but nobody will ever question your bravery or commitment to justice.