VP Cheney’s federalist approach to same-sex marriage.

It’s a crying shame that we have a President who isn’t as willing to be progressive on this issue as either Dick Cheney, or myself:

Essentially, he favors it, but he wants to let the states decide how to best approach the marriage issue. This is a perfectly acceptable strategy to me, as you all know: I just wish that it was acceptable to the White House. Or anything definitive on the issue, really.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Same-sex marriage and the definition of insanity.

From earlier this week, in response to Ted Olson’s surprise move to attempt to resolve federal marriage policy via judicial fiat (via the Corner):

Gay groups say federal marriage suit premature

SAN FRANCISCO – A coalition of gay-rights groups said Wednesday that a federal same-sex marriage lawsuit brought by two high-profile lawyers is premature and they’d rather work through state legislatures and voters to win wedding rights.

Now they decide this.  Full disclosure: I support the extension of marriage benefits to same-sex couples, via the legislative process. Continue reading Same-sex marriage and the definition of insanity.

‘Mayor quits job for gay illegal immigrant he loves.’


As God is my witness, that’s the title of the article (Via The Sundries Shack, via RS McCain). After you’re done laughing, though, note why he quit before taking the oath of office: “[Former Mayor] Lown told the Standard-Times he chose not to take the oath of office while “aiding and assisting” a person who was illegally in the country.” That’s why he’s currently in Mexico; Lown’s trying to get a new visa for his partner, and won’t come back until then.

Assuming that the article is correct, you have to admit that this shows some basic respect for the concept of secure borders.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Can this Carrie Prejean thing be over now?

Speaking as somebody who is actually for same-sex marriage: has my side mucked things up enough, or do we want to really go for the gusto and alienate still more people?  She’s not getting tossed, her detractors are not going to get a social conservative crusade declared against her (mostly because the social conservatives that they think that they were aiming at don’t actually, you know, exist), and now we get to be reminded that the current President is prepared to do anything for same-sex marriage except actually stand up for it.  Let’s quit while we’re behind, OK?

Moe Lane

PS: Do you know what would help?  Going out and working to pass actual SSM legislation such as Maine’s (via Slublog).  That doesn’t bother people like judicial fiat or ‘shut up, he explained’ does.  Strange but true.

Crossposted to RedState.

Patterico to Perez Hilton: Bring it.

He’s responding to Hilton’s attempt to sanitize away his bad behavior towards Carrie PreJean via the use of bogus copyright infringement claims against a YouTube video that featured his comments. Patterico’s response? he’s rehosted the video on his own channel and is now daring Hilton to come after him, too: he’s even ready to contemplate a lawsuit.

Speaking as a supporter of same-sex marriage, my response is: good.  Perez Hilton hurts the SSM cause every time he opens his mouth.  I couldn’t find a worse public spokesman for this debate if I tried for a week.  More to the point, he’s guilty of precisely the same kind of bigotry that he accused Ms. PreJean of having, and I’d like him to go back doing… whatever it is that he does.  If he really wants to help, he needs to SHUT UP and APOLOGIZE.

Crossposted to RedState.