More exposition-type stuff.
Continue reading Snippet from FROZEN DREAMS (01/08/2020).Tag: snippet
Snippet from ‘Spoilers.’
Something from what I’m suddenly working on, after a conversation on Twitter today. It’s probably going to be this month’s short story. I expect it to clock in pretty close to 3K, too.
Continue reading Snippet from ‘Spoilers.’NaNoWriMo, 11/28/2019: 2047/56070.
No snippet: I gotta clear this table so that the roast beef can go on it. Happy Thanksgiving, folks! (My turkey day is tomorrow.)
NaNoWriMo, 11/27/2019: 1896/54023.
Gonna be interesting for the next three days. We are definitely nearing the end… FOR NOW! Huzzah! Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/26/2019: 1990/52127.
I think that 8K words should be enough to end this puppy, too. I’ll be doing a regular update of status tomorrow, but Thanksgiving is going to mean spotty Internet for me. You know how that goes. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/25/2019: 1197/50137.
Technically, that’s the NaNoWriMo target number: 50K. But we’re going for 60K, and I think it’s doable. Or at least real close. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/24/2019: 2869/48940.
Battle scene. It went rather well, actually, so I decided to keep going with it. The battle may even become this month’s story for Patrons. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/23/2019: 2027/46071.
Pretty much 77% done at this point. …Yeah, about that. I think that this book is going to end up being more than 60K words, although I will actually finish it and have the ending be a little rushed rather than do 60K and just stop. I think that doing it that way will actually make it easier to finish later. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/22/2019: 2032/44044.
We keep on keeping on. Almost 75% done! Although I may need more wordcount than 60K, at that. Snippet here.
NaNoWriMo, 11/21/2019: 2480/42012.
:gritting teeth: Back. On. Track. Snippet here.