11/05/20 Update, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

We had a little movement today. We’re now less than $20 away from the next stretch goal for the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter. I’m pretty confident we’re going to hit that; and the next two, too. And I haven’t given up hope yet for the to-be-announced $2000 stretch goal, either. But that’s for another day.

11/04/20 Update, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

Halfway to go on the Kickstarter! …Not much else to say, honestly. Hopefully we’ll see some traction on the last week. Even if we don’t, it’s still a success. If I was doing it over, I might have done TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION as a two-week Kickstarter. Or waited a bit more. Well, that’s why they call it a learning experience.

11/02/20 Update, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

I have the sneaking suspicion that my TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter is currently trying to talk over a hurricane. Can’t really prove it, mind you. But it at least comforts my ego.

But we continue on! And, after all, I am already blessed. I’ve hit enough to cover this book, at least. That’s the important thing.

Need to Survive November? Get my Patreon! (And my books!)

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It’s a new month, and you deserve some happiness in your life. Let me help you. Because you’re worth it, you know. You really are.

Moe Lane

PS: New chapbook hopefully coming by the end of the year. KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES.

PPS: Mailing list!