Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and my endorsement is…

…as before: whoever of Ted Cruz / Marco Rubio is ahead in your state. I know that that might hurt Rubio in Texas if he’s really below 20%, but them’s the breaks.  The point and the goal would be to get one of those two guys winning in as many states as possible.

Moe Lane

PS: Comments are closed on this post.  This is, frankly, for my readers’ protection, not mine. I would rather not have… unpleasantness over this.

Quote of the Day, Nice When They Listen edition.

The plan, apparently, is to just keep barreling through.  And not to be afraid to say what everybody already knew anyway:

[Senator Marco Rubio] also spoke highly of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who endorsed Trump earlier Friday in a surprise endorsement. Rubio said his New Hampshire nemesis is a “talented communicator,” before using that phrase against Trump after Thursday’s debate.

“They probably called him in to help Donald after a very rough evening last night and a rough day on the trail today,” Rubio told the Fox anchor.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Nice When They Listen edition.

Erick Erickson’s endorsement for President.

Makes sense to me:

If Cruz and Rubio are too immature to stop fighting each other to attack Trump, we should force them.

If Marco Rubio is in first or second place headed into your state’s primary, vote for Rubio, even if you like Cruz.

In the same way, if Ted Cruz is in first or second place headed into your state’s primary, vote Cruz, even if you like Rubio.

The goal must be to first stop Trump.

Then we can hash it out between ourselves.

Continue reading Erick Erickson’s endorsement for President.

I’m a little surprised that @JeffBezos tolerates racism at the Washington Post.

This is, in a word, nasty.

You’ll note that I skipped the gif, because it depicts two children with Hispanic ancestry as monkeys, and unlike Ann Telnaes I don’t want to subject my readers to anything that nasty. You can look it up on Twitchy. Anyway, Marco Rubio’s response works for me:

Note, by the way, that the Washington Post was the institution that turned ‘macaca’ into a Holy Crusade. I wonder if any of them over there understand the irony? Or irony at all, really?

Quote of the Day, @LeonHWolf Has A Serious Point About Ted Cruz Here edition.

I just want to get my agreement with this on the record. Leon Wolf, over at RedState:

Having called Marco Rubio a liar, unprincipled, and someone who doesn’t understand the issues, [Ted Cruz] better discover soon that Donald Trump is without question a much bigger unprincipled liar who has no understanding of the issues, and muster the testicular fortitude to say so in public. If you’re going to be a happy warrior who doesn’t attack other Republicans no matter what they say about you, then be that happy warrior. If you’re going to be an attack dog when attacked, then turn the same vitriol on Trump that you turned on Rubio last night. You can’t have it both ways.

And I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, @LeonHWolf Has A Serious Point About Ted Cruz Here edition.