Tweet of the Day, Ted Cruz Lets Cher Off Easy edition.

I mean, I would have added a ‘Bless your heart,’ but Ted Cruz is nicer than I am.

Seriously, though. That poor woman. I blame the Democrats, really.

Politico, Amazon – and I guess the NYT, really – all help out Ted Cruz’s new book sales.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I have not read Ted Cruz’s A Time for Truth.  I generally do not buy partisan political books on my own, and I’m not on enough distribution lists to be routinely sent copies of the latest ones.  But this is looking worse and worse for the New York Times:

The New York Times’ refusal to put Ted Cruz’s memoir on its bestseller list is once again being called into question — this time by Amazon, the largest Internet retailer in the country.

On Sunday, an Amazon spokesperson told the On Media blog that the company’s sales data showed no evidence of unusual bulk purchase activity for the Texas senator’s memoir, casting further doubt on the Times’ claim that the book — “A Time For Truth” — had been omitted from its list because sales had been driven by “strategic bulk purchases.”

Continue reading Politico, Amazon – and I guess the NYT, really – all help out Ted Cruz’s new book sales.

More on Ted Cruz and the Activist Left’s ‘SHUT UP!’ principle in action.

Like my RedState colleague Bryan Pruitt, I feel sorry for these guys: “The gay New York City hoteliers who recently played host to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) have their own controversy to deal with: Activists are calling for the boycott of their properties, including a gay hotel and establishments on Fire Island.”  Essentially, Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass had a reception where they had Ted Cruz speak to a group on foreign policy, Israel (particularly noting its attitudes on gay rights) – and, shockingly, how Ted Cruz doesn’t think Barack Obama is doing well on either.  Oh, mustn’t forget: Ted Cruz will still love his kids if they turn out to be gay.

And so… for allowing this man to speak to their friends, Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass must of course be chastised.  In fact, they should consider themselves fortunate that their own side is not calling them to be burned at the stake for heresy. Yet.  The day is still young, after all.

I wonder if that’s sunk in yet, for the two guys.  Mati Weiderpass attempted to explain basic civics (in a Facebook post that apparently has since been taken down) to critics: “People on both sides of the aisle need to be able to communicate with one another even when they ideologically disagree.”  This is, of course, simultaneously true, and pointless.  Of course people should be able to talk to each other.  And equally of course the Activist Left will go after any person on their side who wants to talk to one on ours. Continue reading More on Ted Cruz and the Activist Left’s ‘SHUT UP!’ principle in action.

Scenes from the Iowa Ag Summit.

So, who do you believe?


Amanda Carpenter is Ted Cruz’s communications director.  Tom Buis is a Democratic CEO (and lobbyist) of an energy company that could simply not exist without federal subsidies.  Strictly speaking, they’re both partisan.  On the other hand: it’s pretty clear from both Twitter accounts that Ted Cruz has precisely zero compulsions against giving his opinion, however unpopular it might be. The difference is that Buis – who used to work for Tom Daschle, a Senator who turned out to be all too corruptible by the Beltway – is perhaps a bit bitter about that. Such a pity.

Be interesting to see how the other candidates handle the issue of ag subsidies.

Moe Lane

It’s time to stand up a bit more for our allies and clients, Barack Obama.

Operating from the Chromebook, so I only *believe* that Ted Cruz here is calling for us to arm the Ukranians and the Kurds:

…but if Ted Cruz didn’t, he really should have. This is getting ridiculous: and, the Democratic party’s fond memories to the contrary, abandoning South Vietnam to the forces of evil was not a good idea. Certainly it’s not something to emulate now

Ted Cruz and the space progra… Geez, people, he’s a Senator from TEXAS.


Sorry.  It amazes me that some people can’t seem to get an elementary fact like that through their heads. Although I suppose it’d be more accurate to say that they won’t let an elementary fact like that get through their heads.  Anyway, here’s Sen. Cruz on NASA:

Q. For the last three years NASA has been building the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft. Do you support the continuation of these programs?

A. SLS and Orion are critical to our medium- and long-term ability to explore space, whether it is the moon, Mars or beyond. Absolutely I support them. At the same time, I am deeply concerned about our inability to reach low Earth orbit right now. We are entirely dependent upon the Russian Soyuz system. It is unacceptable from the perspective of space interest and also from national security interests. I have repeatedly inquired of this administration about its contingency plans if the Russians shut off the Soyuz. The answers have been altogether insufficient. America should have the capacity to get to the International Space Station without the assistance of the Russians. Americans should have the capacity to launch a rescue mission to the station – should that prove necessary – without being dependent. America should have the capacity to launch our critical satellites without needing to acquire Russian RD-180s (rocket engines).

Continue reading Ted Cruz and the space progra… Geez, people, he’s a Senator from TEXAS.

Oh, Ted Cruz’s Jon Gruber-Obamacare video is choice.

As is some of the epic-level butthurt in some of the responses. But, hey, we’ve all done that. …Yes, even you.

Moe Lane

PS: Always assume cameras. ALWAYS assume cameras.

And this is one reason why many of us worked to get Ted Cruz in the Senate.

This is… perfect.

I almost feel sorry for Anonymous Austin Guy; it must not be fun to have a Republican gently tell you that you’re on the side opposite Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, the NAACP AND the ACLU. Then again, that kid was probably so hopped up on smug that he didn’t realize that he had been spanked, so I don’t actually feel sorry for him at all.