White Shadows of Lima [The Day After Ragnarok]

White Shadows of Lima

[The Day After Ragnarok]

City: Lima, Ohio

Population: 13,500/90,000

Controls: Northwest Ohio

Government: Machine

Problem: Cultists (Klan)

Heroic Opportunity: Technology

City Aspect: Imperialistic and Corrupt

Lima, Ohio is poised for greatness, or at least conquest.  It made it through the Serpentfall with an ‘Emergency Committee’ that largely now operates as feudal overlords for their territories; the Committee members have so far managed to avoid internal squabbling via the judicious use of conquest. It’s the smallest serious Mayorality in Ohio, but it’s got the most advanced forces.  Lima has both a battalion’s worth of actual Pershing tanks (from the Army Tank Plant in town) and what passes for a strategic reserve to operate them (the region had extensive oil wells, and the Committee moved early to secure them). This has been enough for the Mayorality to consolidate control over a reasonable amount of Northwest Ohio.  The Committee is careful to avoid butting heads with Cleveland to the east, and has negotiated with both Cincinnati and Dayton to secure its southern border. The Committee believes in patience: there will be plenty of time later to ‘re-establish control over the State of Ohio,’ a policy which is genuinely popular with the subjects of Lima.

Continue reading White Shadows of Lima [The Day After Ragnarok]

Swamp Kings [The Day After Ragnarok]

Swamp Kings

[The Day After Ragnarok]

These creatures look remarkably like what a miniature T-Rex would have back in prehistoric times, assuming that it it had been covered in blue-green feathers.  These creatures have clearly adapted to a freshwater aquatic life, with a waterproof coat and webbed feet. Swamp Kings will eat a lot of things, but they particularly like to eat giant snakes (which they can, and usually do).  Swamp Kings, thankfully, do not fly. They might also be getting bigger ever year.

Continue reading Swamp Kings [The Day After Ragnarok]

Rotten Spartanburg

It’s funny: I have nothing against this city whatsoever. It just felt right to keep dumping on it. As in, aesthetically right. I apologize to anybody who likes the place.

Rotten Spartanburg

[The Day After Ragnarok]

City: Spartanburg, SC

Population: 10,000/70,000

Controls: Spartanburg County

Government: Strongman

Problem: Gangs

Heroic Opportunity: Trade Goods

City Aspect: Corrupt

Continue reading Rotten Spartanburg

Poisoned Springfield [The Day After Ragnarok]

Poisoned Springfield

[The Day After Ragnarok]

City: Springfield, Illinois
Population: 20,000/135,000
Controls: Sangamon County and surroundings
Government: Despotism
Problem: Serpent Cultists
Heroic Opportunity: Arcana
City Aspect: Militaristic and Cultist

Continue reading Poisoned Springfield [The Day After Ragnarok]

The Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 [The Day After Ragnarok]

Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 – Google Docs

Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948

[The Day After Ragnarok]


The Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 has every resource that Vancouver can throw at it, which admittedly isn’t much; but what’s left of the Canadian government takes the Survey very seriously.  It’s easy enough to issue a decree to get the Albertan oil fields running again; but to do that, the drillers will need (among many other things) metals of all sorts. Steel, copper, titanium, nickel, chromium — and stockpiles are low, after a decade of war and Armageddon.  Worse, global trade isn’t remotely what it used to be. Fortunately, Canada has a wealth of mineral resources; unfortunately, at a minimum known Canadian titanium and nickel deposits are too far away from civilization to exploit properly.

Continue reading The Rice Mineralogical Survey of 1948 [The Day After Ragnarok]

Scotty Bushell [The Day After Ragnarok].

This one is slightly obscure, sure.

Scotty Bushell – Google Docs


Scotty Bushell

[The Day After Ragnarok]


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6


Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d6, Guts d4, Knowledge d6 (Folklore), Knowledge d6 (The Ebony Tarn of Alberta), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d6, Riding d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4, Survival d10, Swimming d4, Throwing d4, Tracking d8


Charisma: +4 Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5


Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Vow (Minor) (research the scary stuff in the woods)


Edges: Attractive, Beast Master, Charismatic, Command, Woodsman


R Lee Bushell was from Nova Scotia, when there was a Nova Scotia. Most of the island more or less got through the first tsunami, but the island just flat-out froze, pretty quick.  Bushell still got himself and his wife out, and as far as Calgary before things went permanently bad for Canada east of the Rockies. But Calgary’s walls are tall, he and his wife have a decent place inside of them, and there’s work out there in the Ebony Tarn for a man who knows the woods.

Continue reading Scotty Bushell [The Day After Ragnarok].

Two questions about upcoming video playtests.


  1. Pelgrane Press is doing a call for playtesting their sword-and-sorcery GUMSHOE game Swords of the Serpentine. Any of you folks interested?
  2. I’m giving serious consideration to running a session of The Day After Ragnarok at WashingCon.  I’d be using my one-shot Song of the Siren for it, but will need to check to see if it works as a four-hour.  Anybody interested in playtesting that?

Ever have a project that you wanted to do…

…but you weren’t sure if it’d sell?  I got one of those, for the Day After Ragnarok RPG: I have this idea, and it fascinates me.  And I think that it’d work as a impetus for campaigns (heh).  But I don’t know if I can sell it.  I’d like to decide that, quick, because the campaign idea keeps making me take notes for it when I could be working on stuff that people might buy.

Yeah, yeah, that might be diagnostic, but then there hasn’t been any new Day After Ragnarok stuff lately anyway.  Which is a shame.  It’s real easy to create material for that game world.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not mentioning the idea for a reason.  Trying to keep it as undeveloped in public as possible.

Condor Studios (The Day After Ragnarok)

Condor Studios – Google Docs

Condor Studios

[The Day After Ragnarok]


It all started when Kirk Douglas ran into Ronald Reagan in late 1945. Douglas was on the beach twice; first from getting medically invalided out of the Navy, then secondly when the abrupt end of the Pacific War after the Serpentfall made any hope of rejoining the military futile.  On the other hand, Reagan was now head of the Screen Actors Guild, thanks to the Macarthur regime (and later, the Warren administration): Douglas was interested in acting, and hoped to get in on the civilian-military heroic propaganda industry.

Continue reading Condor Studios (The Day After Ragnarok)