I’ve just finished Episode 6 of THE SANDMAN…

…and I think I can safely say: this is a solid [expletive deleted]ing show. It is hitting the mood, tone, and style of the original SANDMAN comic in the dang bullseye. It could maybe still suck – I’m doing my level best to avoid finding out about future episodes – but so far it’s everything I would have wanted from an adaptation. If you read the comics and liked them, you’ll like this.


So, THE SANDMAN has been good so far.

The plot’s a bit different, and obviously they’ve changed some of the minor characters around. But I finished Episode 2 today, and I have to say: they’ve gotten the mood, style, and tone right. It absolutely feels like the original comic. If you liked the original THE SANDMAN, this is a pretty good adaptation.

That being said, I don’t think that the show will be reproducing the convention, which is an absolute shame. It would also probably freak a lot of viewers the [expletive deleted] out, so I guess that they had to make that call. Or maybe I’m guessing wrong, and they will do it! I look forward to finding out.


Book of the Week: The Sandman Volume 1: Preludes and Nocturnes.

Time to get back on that carousel again, I guess. The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes is the first of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series, and I can’t wait to see what they do with it on the big screen. No sarcasm, either. I’m too tired for sarcasm.