TINSEL RAIN Edit Update: up to Chapter 17.

We’re more than halfway through the second edit pass of TINSEL RAIN, and I… may not have it ready in time for Balticon. Alas. We’re way ahead of schedule anyway, which is the important thing. Better it be good than too fast.

In other news, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is still on super-Kindle sale! Tell your friends. Heck, tell your acquaintances on the bus.


Annnnnd the first editing pass-through of TINSEL RAIN is done.

Got the last edits last night, but I needed my sleep. Edits checked, relevant changes made, sent the whole thing back for another pass-through. And a great killing of the typos that hid during the first wave. They lurk in the shadows, you see. The typos have little bolt-holes to creep into as the pens flow above them, and then emerge when they think the danger has passed. So you must edit again and again, with a righteous inevitability…

Sorry. Anyway, the TINSEL RAIN publication schedule has officially ratcheted forward a step. Huzzah! If you haven’t filled out your survey, fill out your survey.

TINSEL RAIN Update: Chapters 20-23 edited.

One chapter left! And the Epilogue. After that, I just have to write a bunch of introductions, dedications, and so forth – assuming that we don’t do another pass on TINSEL RAIN. Not sure. It’d definitely go more quickly, this time.

As for publication schedule: Kickstarter backers get the digital version first. Once those are distributed, TINSEL RAIN will go to KDP, and we’ll start the process of publishing the KU and paperback versions. Not in time for Balticon, alas. Such is life; and, honestly, we are way ahead of our planned publication schedule anyway. I need to remind myself of that.

Pre-order store!

TINSEL RAIN Edits: Chapter 19.

Only one chapter, because I had to add some details to a particular character to make her work better. Well, I didn’t have to, but my editor made the suggestion and when she pointed it out to me I decided I agreed. Which is how about 90% of these suggestions go. Maybe 95%. I’m not really prone to temper tantrums over the inviolability of my deathless prose.

Still have two more from the current batch to do, then I just need to get the last three and the epilogue. Already have the book cover percolating away… shoot. I’m about to publish another novel! Huh.

Pre-order store!

TINSEL RAIN Update: Chapters 17 and 18 edited.

I actually have edits for all the way up to Chapter 21 (there are 24 chapters in all, and an Epilogue), but I’m going to do the other three tomorrow. We’re at the stage of the book where I need to do more than just confirm copy-editing changes*, and that slows down the process. Still, TINSEL RAIN is very close to being edited!

Which is awesome. And also about to give me a lot more work, of the not entirely fun variety. But mostly awesome.

Moe Lane

PS: Pre-order store.

*Mostly observations about how a particular section should be tightened up, or how a character’s motivation isn’t completely ringing true. But I am getting a flattering lack of This book is terrible, and should be launched into the Sun, so I am not finding the feedback oppressive.

Caught up to Chapter 16 edits for TINSEL RAIN.

That’s basically two-thirds of TINSEL RAIN done. Far fewer edits for this than for FROZEN DREAMS, but the really complicated bits are yet to come, so: count no book finished until it is on remainder. …Okay, as epigrams go it doesn’t make perfect sense, but it’s still not too bad.

So far: the expectation is that the Kindle version will be ready for Balticon, and the print version for Fright Reads. Past that, it’s up in the air.

Moe Lane


Caught up on TINSEL RAIN edits!

Huzzah! Now I can sit and glare at my computer screen in peace. Twitter’s decided this site is suspicious again, you see. So now I get to spend two weeks reporting every spurious report to their automated system, until a human finally notices the reports building up and checks. At least, that’s what I assume happens. Twitter never actually bothers to tell people why they do things, how to fix problems, or why they reverse their decisions.

And they wonder why they’re being bought out. …Serenity now, Moe. Serenity now.

Still, at least I got those chapter edits chewed through. About half done!