Up to Page 114 on TINSEL RAIN print proofing.

I had forgotten a minor problem with print proofing: to wit, it’s sooooooo borrrrrrrrring. I wonder if anybody’s ever done a survey to see when authors just, you know… give up. It’s probably fine, the whispers say. How many errors can there be, really? And who even cares?

And never mind the host of Post-it notes I’ve already accumulated…

Moe Lane

PS: I figure it’ll still be done by the weekend.

Time to finish proofing TINSEL RAIN!

I got started proofing TINSEL RAIN during Balticon, but I couldn’t spend any time on it. My plan tomorrow and Friday is to spend time on it. And, once it’s done, I can finally hit publish on the paperback and we can start the next step. Huzzah!

Yeah, not exciting, I know. First of the month is always kind of slow for me. I’ve got the whole month to get stuff done, you see. Even though that’s a mirage.


Last day at Balticon.

Had a small mini-worry about COVID, but I tested negative. Which is nice: trying to figure out how to break down the site under the circumstances would have been a massive pain.

As to the convention: well, if I have a good day today I might make back the table fee. But not the table fee and the parking. The gas I’m not even gonna bring up. I think my future here for the next year or so is going to be the smaller venues, where the site fees will be lower (and I can hope to get more sales). Also, I’m definitely gonna need to write more books…

Speaking of: TINSEL RAIN! Buy it! Review it! Give a copy to a friend!


Moe Lane

PS: I should note that Balticon puts on a very good, very organized convention. I think they’ve done a great job. I’m just not getting the sales I wanted, which isn’t actually their fault.

TINSEL RAIN is now available for Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!

At long last. Paperback will likely get approved next week, after I go over proofs.

Tinsel Rain returns us to the post-apocalyptic world of Cin City, glittering tinsel crown of the Kingdom of New California. When an old not-quite-friend of Shamus Tom Vargas is found dead, Tom gets pulled into a case of murder, magic, and mystery! Sinister archmages! Bodies in alleys! An actual high-speed car ride! And as many bad jokes as the author could cram in! Truly, you deserve to read this book!


This one simple trick will make authors love you forever!

If you like their books, say so! Like, on social media and stuff. For example: TINSEL RAIN is coming out Friday. If you’re a Kickstarter backer, and you liked the book, there is almost nothing better you can do for me right now than say so on as many of your favorite social media platforms as you care to post to. With the link (https://www.amazon.com/Tinsel-Rain-Tom-Vargas-Mystery-ebook/dp/B0B243FV1N), and a picture of the book, if you can swing it.

And here’s the thing: if you don’t like my book, you can still do this with books that you do like. It is a very rare author indeed who will object to people saying in public how awesome their book is, and what the link is to buy it. So, even if you hate my guts, the advice I’m giving is still good.

TINSEL RAIN now available for Kindle preorder

I should just accept that this is all that I’m dealing with today. Also, as a reminder: if you backed the Kickstarter at the digital level and filled out your survey you should have gotten a notification of the digital book being available.

TINSEL RAIN NOW AVAILABLE TO PREORDER ON KINDLE! It comes out Friday. Rejoin Shamus Tom Vargas as he investigates murder, magic and mystery in the post-apocalyptic Kingdom of New California! Action! Suspense! A plethora of bad jokes! All awaits your interested gaze!

The digital TINSEL RAIN is on its way!

TINSEL RAIN is back from the editor: and I think that it’s reasonable to release the digital versions of the book now for my Kickstarter backers. Particularly since I want people who backed to get the book before it’s available on Kindle. Which, hopefully, will be Friday. So if you backed, check your emails, and I’m still on track to lock orders to take care of the physical rewards sometime in June. Gotta make sure the physical proofs are okay, after all.


Moe Lane

PS: Check out the pre-order store!


I’ve gotten the edits back from the Editor, I’ve been preparing the digital downloads, and if you qualified for Special Thanks and haven’t finished your survey question I went ahead and made my best guess. As soon as I hear back from the editor I’m punching buttons, so You Have Been Warned.

And yes, that means that the print copies of the books will soon be available. Get your pre-orders in now.