Up to Chapter 9 in TINSEL RAIN edits!

At this rate I shall be caught up… soon. Which is excellent: I had let the work pile up. At this rate, pretty soon I’ll need to get the paperback book cover for TINSEL RAIN put together. I tend to do them myself when it’s a chapbook*, but when it comes to the novels I let a professional handle things.

Moe Lane

*My chapbooks, in case you haven’t figured out, are exercises in frugality. I practice my editing on them myself, do layout and everything, and try not to spend any money outside of the art. Honestly, spending money on art is one of the unexpected perks of this entire authorial thing. It’s… affirming.


Plugging along on the TINSEL RAIN edits.

A little behind on them, but much less than before. I kind of needed the weekend off, too. It’s important to be clear-headed.

At any rate, TINSEL RAIN is still on track to be released early. It probably won’t have physical copies for Balticon, but with any luck I’ll be able to have links to the e-book version. That will do. I certainly will have it for FrightReads… and I’ll need to think about whether I’ll have a new chapbook ready for then, as well. Keep watching the skies!

Processed three chapters’ worth of TINSEL RAIN edits in a row.

My brain hurts, but at least now I have a system in place to efficiently handle fixing up TINSEL RAIN. So far, the editor isn’t making me do anything too horrible. I am actually a bit of a pushover when it comes to my deathless prose: I take the position that if I’m paying somebody large sums of money to go over my work, surely that means that I should at least take their suggestions seriously. As long as the words reflect what I was trying to say, naturally.

As always, check out the TINSEL RAIN pre-order store if you missed the Kickstarter!

TINSEL RAIN Backerkit surveys going out soon!

We are checking off the last few things now, and the smoke test (where we send surveys to 5% of backers and see if everything works) will likely happen tomorrow. Conceivably the main surveys will be out by the end of the week.

After that? Well it’s all up to the editorial process. I will probably also need some people to take a look at the short story collection, but that’s scheduled to be really worked on in May. I’ve been making the mistake of acting like I don’t have a reasonable time scale for this stuff, and I have to stop that.

My Monday: surveys, and dust.

The dust was from moving my computer across the living room. We had the kids’ computers down here during the pandemic, to make it easier for me to do tech support. But the eldest is back at school, so we moved his computer up to his room and I moved my machine away to give my youngest some distance. The new arrangement works fine; but dear Lord, the dust. So. Much. Dust.

When I wasn’t doing that, I was working on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter surveys. They’re almost ready to go, but I had a few questions to ask Backerkit about some red flags they have on the process. I expect to hear back from them some time around noon tomorrow, which is about when they get into the office (Pacific Time). Backerkit is very good about getting back to me with regards to tech support issues. It’s one of the major reasons I use them, in fact.

Back fully into the swing of things tomorrow, then!

Started in on the TINSEL RAIN editor’s edits.

Slightly different style, but that’s all right. It’s not too different, and I can adapt. It probably helps that TINSEL RAIN started out a little more polished than FROZEN DREAMS did, too. Although admitting that is a Catch-22: you want your books to get better, but that kind of implies that your first books… aren’t perfect.

Anyway, things are coming along.

Working on the TINSEL RAIN Backerkit!

Money’s come in, so it’s time to start constructing SKUs and setting up the Backerkit store and the rest of it. I also should be getting chapters soon, and once that happens things start to move along. We’re well on track to fulfilling TINSEL RAIN early, but if I want that to stay on track then I had better get cracking, right?

I’ll put up links when they’re ready. In the meantime, there’s my Amazon page.