Been chewing through the TO TURN THE TIDE e-ARC.

Steve Stirling’s latest: time travel back to Roman Empire, just before things went really, really bad for it. Read it quickly once already, am now savoring it a second time. Note: it is good, fast-paced, and utterly unsentimental over how bad the Roman Empire can be, once you got on its bad side. Mind you, the German tribes in the Marcomannic Wars were a good deal worse.

You can grab TO TURN THE TIDE over at Baen, or wait for it to come out on Amazon. Dealer’s choice.

Chapter 1 of SM Stirling’s TO TURN THE TIDE is up!

TO TURN THE TIDE is Steve Stirling’s new Roman time travel novel, and he put the first chapter up on his website. I’m looking forward to reading it – and I don’t know what’s going on with his Black Chamber novel THE WARLORD OF THE STEPPES, sorry. I think there’s a problem with the publisher, but I haven’t really asked around. Still, this should be cool.