I have a question submitted for the Townhall Media/Change Politics Town Hall. Please upvote it…

…if you like it, of course.  You can also upvote some of the other RedState Contributor questions, if you care to. I personally think that it’s a pretty good question:


And I’d love an answer to it from all of the candidates.

Did ANYBODY actually watch that town hall thing?

Even the NRA apparently checked out, much to the President’s barely-throttled fury:

“The National Rifle Association sees no reason to participate in a public relations spectacle orchestrated by the White House,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told the network [CNN].

You can definitely detect a sneer in the NRA spokesman’s voice, there. Possibly even a sniff of disdain. Which is precisely the way that one should act in this situation.  This is Barack Obama’s last year as President. His job is to stay the heck out of the way and let people get on the with the business of electing a new leadership, and while I certainly don’t mind the President making life hell for Democrats I suppose that the Democrats themselves might have a different opinion. And maybe eventually they’ll even be brave enough to express that opinion, too.

Don’t forget! CNN’s and Barack Obama’s ersatz town hall on guns is on tonight!

I mention this not because I plan to watch it, because I won’t; nor because I expect any of you plan to watch it, because I doubt that many of you will. I mention it because maybe some day somebody might actually try to ding CNN for making this kind of in-kind contribution to the Democratic party. Every little bit of a proper evidence trail helps.

Seriously, Donald Trump is making a tactical blunder in South Carolina.

Look, I understand that I will never be on Donald Trump’s Christmas card list – but this is a bad tactical call:

Donald J. Trump, the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has declined to participate in one in a series of town halls run by South Carolina’s most popular politician, making the real estate mogul the only high-polling candidate to snub the state.

Because the Palmetto State is third in line to vote on the party’s nominee, because it’s first in the South, and because Sen. Tim Scott’s job approval is hovering in the heavens, his endorsement and support is as coveted as can be making the Trump no-show all the more conspicuous.

Of the 17 GOP candidates, 15 have been scheduled to participate in Scott’s town hall series, the aim of which is to introduce each candidate individually to the state’s electorate.

Continue reading Seriously, Donald Trump is making a tactical blunder in South Carolina.

Rep. Ann Kuster (D, New Hampshire-2): hates town halls, likes being rude.

Ooh, I can answer this one!

Since taking office in 2013, Rep. Annie Kuster has yet to hold a legitimate townhall meeting for constituents in New Hampshire’s 2nd congressional district, and onlookers are taking notice.

Today Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire, a Republican-leaning group, released video footage of trackers merely asking why she’d yet to appear before the people who elected her in such a setting.

The answer is, of course, that Rep. Kuster doesn’t want to explain why she’s so far to the left of her constituents.  Not to mention, she apparently has staffing problems: Continue reading Rep. Ann Kuster (D, New Hampshire-2): hates town halls, likes being rude.

Get in their faces: Name of arrested Carnahan staffer Javonne Spitz?

[UPDATE] Welcome, Ace of Spades readers. I think that it could be salmon.

Here’s the video (via AoSHQ) of a woman arrested at yesterday’s Carnahan meltdown who claimed to be a Carnahan staffer:

And here’s the text from an article about the arrest:

His friend, Javonne Spitz, 51, of O’Fallon, Mo, said she doesn’t think she was interfering with anything.


She said she came to the forum Thursday because “I wanted to see what it was all about.”


At the forum, Spitz admits she was tossed out because she had been taking photographers of angry protesters as they tried to drown out the speakers.


(Spitz was the woman in the salmon-colored shirt whose arrest was featured Friday in a video on stltoday.com).


“These tea baggers are dangerous,” she said. “I’m not going to any more town hall meetings until these people calm down.”

Note that in the article the woman never brought up the Carnahan connection. So, lying either way.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Obama calls upon campaign backers for ‘town hall’ questions.

Raise your hand if you’re surprised by this.

If you have raised your hand, real quick: why are you surprised?

…while the online question portion of the White House town hall was open to any member of the public with an Internet connection, the five fully identified questioners called on randomly by the president in the East Room were anything but a diverse lot. They included: a member of the pro-Obama Service Employees International Union, a member of the Democratic National Committee who campaigned for Obama among Hispanics during the primary; a former Democratic candidate for Virginia state delegate who endorsed Obama last fall in an op-ed in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star; and a Virginia businessman who was a donor to Obama’s campaign in 2008.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

I mean, you are aware that this administration pre-screens all journalists’ questions asked of it, right? It’s not exactly surprising that they might do the same for what is an ostensibly more ‘unscripted’ venue. Or that they’re picking softball questions. Or that they’re being extra-careful to minimize the possibility of a chance of a hint of the suggestion of an inkling that there may be any discernible change to our War on Some Drugs policy. It’s just business as usual, in other words. Business as usual, and only disappointing if you had unreasonable expectations in the first place.

Moe Lane

PS: “Right now.”
The correct statement to make here is that he’s getting away with it right now.

Crossposted to RedState.