Not as much written tonight as I’d like. Computer debugging continues.
Continue reading 05/07/2020 Snippet, TRIPLE TRIAGE.Tag: triple triage
05/05/2020 Snippet, TRIPLE TRIAGE.
I felt like writing about the lich. I dunno why, I just did.
Continue reading 05/05/2020 Snippet, TRIPLE TRIAGE.05/40/2020 Snippet, TRIPLE TRIAGE.
This is another one of those thousand-word numbers from the older Patreon days that should be a real short story. At least, I think so. Whether people agree with me or not is a future question.
Continue reading 05/40/2020 Snippet, TRIPLE TRIAGE.I have put up this month’s short story and gaming material on Patreon!
If you are a Patron, you can see them here:
Far-future post-apocalyptic fantasy and non-evil necromancy. Hope you like it!