Classical reference.
RT @existentialfish: I’ve found it. The exact moment America became a parody of itself. Right here:
— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) May 7, 2013
Classical reference.
RT @existentialfish: I’ve found it. The exact moment America became a parody of itself. Right here:
— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) May 7, 2013
And far too many in the Media live for the day that they can finally blame it all on the Tea Party.
@johnekdahl as promised, your “reporting on a gathering” flowchart.…
— Kevin in ABQ (@KevinInABQ) May 2, 2013
Whether or not that will work is another question.
Hell, no.
RT @slublog: Um, no. I hate changing diapers, but just…
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) April 19, 2013
Jeebus, but these people have far too much free time on their hands. Also, poop.
Moe Lane
PS: Click the link, at least this one time. The Madness refuses to STOP. Even the author thinks that these people are smoking crack.
Heh. RT @jstrevino Ha! RT @hernandeztony
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 9, 2013
Or, I don’t know: stopped letting your progressive friends slap her around for the last few years?
The point has been, as they say, made.
POP QUIZ: Which one of these charts is Obama’s Intrade contract, and which is the 2001 Nasdaq bubble/burst?…
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2012