Preparing for Tuesday’s Day of DOOM in Wisconsin.

Some interesting happenings at today’s Wisconsin’s Brown County Dairy Breakfast*:

[Democratic gubernatorial recall candidate Tom] Barrett was greeted warmly by some of the breakfast-goers — at least one man told him Barrett he was voting for him, prompting Barrett to joke, “Give him a lot of really good food” — but others reacted differently, telling Barrett they were voting for [Republican Governor Scott] Walker and not shaking his hand when he extended it.

Asked if he got this kind of reaction when he ran against Walker in 2010, Barrett said, “No no, this is a newer occurrence.”

Continue reading Preparing for Tuesday’s Day of DOOM in Wisconsin.

#rsrh Anti-Walker forces try to creep out last the remaining undecided #wirecall voters.

(H/T: Instapundit) Check it out (here and here): the Greater Wisconsin Committee (GWC) (best known for their stellar work in inadvertently helping to derail JoAnne Kloppenburg’s WI Supreme Court bid) wants you to know that they’re paying attention to who is voting.  And that they’re going to tell on you to your neighbors if you don’t vote. Every last one of you.  They’re watching you right now, in fact.  You see that shrubbery moving, and yet there’s no breeze tonight?  Yeah, that’s a Greater Wisconsin Committee member keeping his eye on you, with his directional mike and his binoculars and his infared sensors and his plastic raincoat and his big black rubber gloves…

And he wants you to vote for Tom Barrett, by the way.  The only way that the GWC isn’t targeting Scott Walker voters directly is because… well, the primary reason is that there’s a whole lot of them these days, thanks largely to the efforts of the GWC.  But another reason is because the GWC can’t crawl into the polling booth after you, so they can’t actually tell how people voted.  I bet that they’re trying to brainstorm that complication away, though…

Moe Lane

PS: Shorter Moe Lane: If your idea of useful political involvement involves doing things that in private life usually end with the phrase ‘restraining order’ being liberally strewn about, change your definition of ‘useful political involvement.’

#rsrh Tom Barrett’s cops arrest peaceful protester at Clinton’s (sparse?) WI rally.

Gotta love Milwaukee – and Milwaukee’s Democratic mayor Tom Barrett, huh?

No, actually, you’re obliged to love him in public.  Don’t, and they throw you in the hoosegowMore from Buzzfeed:

A lone Scott Walker supporter was arrested at a campaign rally for Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett today, where Bill Clinton also spoke. The man had been arguing with rally attendees since before the rally began, and held a sign that said “Support Scott Walker, Not Union Thugs.”

After the end of Clinton’s speech, the man was taken away by police and taken to the corner of Pere Marquette Park in downtown Milwaukee as the police waited for their car to arrive.

Continue reading #rsrh Tom Barrett’s cops arrest peaceful protester at Clinton’s (sparse?) WI rally.

#rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

Specifically, how it is that Gov. Scott Walker is in the commanding, about-to-be-ratified-via-popular-vote position that he is in – and make no mistake; when Walker wins the recall election in two weeks it’s going to be a while before the Democrats in Wisconsin are going to want to tangle with his legislative agenda.  Anyway, Ann notes:

I don’t watch all the TV shows, but this week, I’ve watched “American Idol” and part of a couple Brewers games, and I’ve seen ad after ad for Walker. I saw one ad against Walker, and it was a confusing complaint about how Walker is a “rock star.” Idiots! They made him a rock star.

Yes.  Yes, they did. Continue reading #rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

#rsrh Ah, Wisconsin recall singers. Bad #wirecall singers. Bad, Awful, Horrid singers…

You want to know what the most glaringly obvious thing is about this video?

It’s that Wisconsin progressives can’t write songs worth a tinker’s dam.  Gentlemen, for the love of God:  if you havetostuffalotofwordsinrealfastineveryline of your song, stop what you are doing.  Write down the lines.  Cut the lines until you no longer have to stuff.

…Hold on.  I feel a rant building up. Continue reading #rsrh Ah, Wisconsin recall singers. Bad #wirecall singers. Bad, Awful, Horrid singers…

Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall


When it came out last week that Milwaukee mayor (and Wisconsin Democratic candidate for governor in the upcoming recall election) Tom Barrett had skipped out on two ceremonies honoring Milwaukee police officers, there was some questions about what Barrett thought could possibly be more important that going to, say, a memorial service for slain Wisconsin policemen. It probably didn’t help either that Barrett was so evasive about the answer, either – to the point of convenient memory loss. Well, it turns out that Barrett probably wanted to forget the answer of where he was doing instead of honoring fallen officers, given that the answer was… ‘making a stump speech:’

…Mayor Barrett was actually speaking at a luncheon for retired United Auto Workers in Oshkosh at the exact same time that the fallen officers memorial was taking place in Milwaukee. Barrett spoke to a room of about 50 UAW union members.

I acquired a link to the video of the event that Barrett spoke at: it is unpleasant viewing for those with both a basic ethical sense, and an awareness of the context.

Continue reading Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall

#rsrh Obama’s need – or greed – forces DCCC to throw away money in Wisconsin recall election.

Well, it’s for sure that the DNC isn’t going to help.

The DCCC confirmed to Roll Call today that the committee has shifted its Badger State operation, in place to aid Democratic Congressional candidates in the fall elections, to boost the party’s effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker (R) and replace him with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Today, the DCCC today sent an email fundraising appeal asking its supporters to help underwrite its participation in the recall campaign.

The worst news for the Democrats?  In a demented way, it even makes sense.  The DCCC is struggling to regain ground in Wisconsin’s current 5/3 GOP/Democratic split: the two Republican freshmen (Sean Duffy and Reid Ribble) are the only ones really vulnerable this go-round, and even then only in relative terms.  If the latest batch of Wisconsin recall elections end as mind-bogglingly disastrously for the Democrats as it’s currently looking, then the DCCC will not only find themselves not even close to winning back either seat; they might even be stuck worrying about Ron Kind’s again*.  So they’ve got a stake in the recalls. Continue reading #rsrh Obama’s need – or greed – forces DCCC to throw away money in Wisconsin recall election.

“Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall

…Oh, relax: it’s an old vaudville/movie routine.  You know: “That was no lady: that was my wife.”  Yeah, that one’s older than my parents, let alone me.  Still: why exactly did Democratic Wisconsin recall gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett shrug off ceremonies honoring Milwaukee policemen this week?  Including one on Wednesday that honored Milwaukee cops slain in the line of duty?  I ask… well, mostly because I figure that the answer is going to embarrass Tom Bartlett; but also because Barrett likes to talk a lot about how Governor Scott Walker is supposedly campaigning at the expense of his job.  Which makes Walker’s presence at a function that Barrett was absent from – we can all agree that honoring slain Milwaukee policemen is part of the job of Mayor of Milwaukee, surely? – somewhat, well, awkward.

Hey!  That describes the Wisconsin Democratic party’s current rhetorical position, too!  It’s all cyclic, isn’t it…

Continue reading “Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall



Vandals are torching pro-Walker yard signs, and now homeowners and neighbors are worried the crimes could escalate.

Someone set fire to at least five Walker campaign signs here in Fox Point.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

PS: It’s not going to work, by the way.