Zootopia was excellent.

Good, tight plot (everything got used). Engaging characters, nice characterization, really really excellent artwork. PG for being scary in places (no blood worse than scratches and I think no on-screen actual acts of violence): nine or so should be old enough to watch it. It’s a buddy cop movie with a thought-out world. I even liked the song.

So, sure, take your kids if they’re old enough.

Zootopia comes out today!

And I’m going to go see it… for the children’s sake, you understand. They’re still pretty young. I want to make sure that Zootopia isn’t too scary for them before I go watch it. I mean, it’s PG*. I don’t want to be like one of those parents who brought their kids to go see Deadpool.

Moe Lane

*…Huh. Actually, when I started this shtick I hadn’t realized that the movie is PG. This may be not really acceptable for my six year old, at that. Go figure.

The Second Zootopia trailer has dropped.

It suggests something slightly weirder than you might have thought from the first trailer.

Or maybe not ‘weird’ so much as ‘complicated.’ I get the impression that they’re actually going to address the implications of having a bunch of anthropomorphic animals running around in the same space and not eating each other. They might even try to explain that, which I frankly did not expect.

Yeah, I guess I’m going to go see it. Big Hero 6 bought these guys a heck of a lot of goodwill from me.