Soccer Hero.

I refuse to call it ‘football,’ since I am a cultural chauvinist. And I am a little skeptical of encouraging such goings-on among Americans, given that I firmly believe that world geopolitical security is enhanced by there being at least one sport out there where quite tiny nations can beat the USA like a drum*. Still: this is an impressive enough stunt:

Well done, guys.

Moe Lane

*There is no contradiction between the two statements.

I sort of agree with Eleanor Clift.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) On at least one passage, at least. She wrote an article for Newsweek (yeah, it’s still publishing! Good show, that) where she assured her readers that of course they don’t need to worry about the 2010 election shellacking that the Democrats will be getting in the Senate, because a lot of those elections will be one-offs:

This is an off-year election, and there’s no popular politician with coattails to ride, but the voters are restive, and that’s always dangerous for the party in power.

‘Off-year election.’  Hey!  You mean, like 2006’s was?  And like 2014’s is going to be*?

Moe Lane

*You have to think of these things in the long-term, that’s all that I’m saying.  Just about everything that’s true about the 2010/2016 dynamic is going to be equally true for the 2006/2012 one.

Crossposted to RedState.

Obama’s America.

(Via @thebcast) Personally, I get a Not-My-Kind-Of-People vibe off of the British Petroleum protesters, and I’m pretty sure that most of them would look at me and cordially hate my guts. Doesn’t mean I like seeing ’em get kicked by the LAPD. Or seeing somebody filming the kicking go get tackled and arrested by the LAPD.

Hey! Was this the change that you were waiting for?

Moe Lane Continue reading Obama’s America.

Israel intercepts Gaza blockade runners: 14 dead.

The Israelis are very, very serious about maintaining said blockade:

At least 14 people were killed and 50 were injured early Monday as the Israeli Navy took over the ships taking part in the aid sail to Gaza, Arab and Turkish media reported.

The IDF reported that four soldiers were injured during the takeover from live ammunition and knife stabbing. One of the troops was said to be in serious condition and three in light to moderate condition. The injured were evacuated to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer by helicopter.

According to an IDF source, “The sail’s participants were not innocent and used violence against the soldiers. They were waiting for the forces’ arrival.”

Continue reading Israel intercepts Gaza blockade runners: 14 dead.

State of the Race: Rick Barber (Al-02).

The primary for Alabama is Tuesday, so we checked in with Rick Barber to find out the state of the race:

I also asked Rick (like Hot Air Greenroom’s Laura Curtis) why Alabama’s commercials have been so memorable this cycle. Listen for the answer, of course.

Rick’s site is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.