So, hey, the trick with EA is to actually CALL them.

EA’s online emergency support — as in, Russians have hacked my damn account — is worse than useless.  But call them, and you get a call back in less than a minute with a human being who knew what the hell she was doing and actually, you know, helped and everything.  I don’t know whether to be more charitable to EA in the future, or to call her back and warn her to flee that place before they come to feast upon her soul.

Moe Lane

PS: They’re gonna be passing THAT customer evaluation around the cubicles, let me tell you.

The hyper-lucrative Hyper-Competitive Parents market has discovered video games.

And now they’re paying people money to coach their kids on how to play them properly.  Full Frontal Nerdity isn’t making it up, either: the Wall Street Journal has it behind a paywall, but enough of the preview is available.  My God, how the money would roll in from a project like that.  All the money.  ALL.

And the best part? If you’re worried about kids spending too much time on video games: fear not.  Inflicting Fortnite lessons for them is the fastest way I can think of to make them be ready to escape outside forever.

Please do not use cars as video game platforms.

This is a very, very, very, very, very dumb idea.

Continue reading Please do not use cars as video game platforms.