#rsrh This is why I loathe the Professional Activist Left.

They wound up Cindy Sheehan, put her on a path to intercept George W Bush… and when she didn’t intersect her target and just kept going, they didn’t have the elementary decency to bring her in for – I don’t know.  Reeducation, rehabilitation, a frontal lobotomy: anything would have been more merciful than her current delusional state (safe link):

…the oligarchy of this country is clever, they knew that it would take a person of color with an Islamic name who sold his soul many years ago–to fulfill the neocon agenda of planetary dominance (see: Project for a New American Century). So if one criticizes Obama, then we are attacked by War Loving Democrats for being: “divisive fanatics,” “racist,” “Tea B[*]ggers,” “crazy,” etcetera. Could McCain be getting away with bombing North Africa? Or does that take an African-American to give political cover to the war jackals?

The Activist Left: where they let you play with living, breathing toys!  And then you can pack them away when they break, and never mind all that screaming from inside the box!  Because no-one will ever, ever know.  It’ll be just their little secret with you.


Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh This is why I loathe the Professional Activist Left.

Blair’s Law in action at the G20.

Blair’s Law™ – The ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.

…and it’s in full view at the G20 protests in London, where we get this report from The New Ledger’s Roger Bate about the eclectic nature of the protesters.  Because it’s an antiglobo affair, it is of course dominated by the usual Communist and Israel-hating groups – the latter needing somewhere to go, now that the antiwar movement’s lost losing the war – and Bate suggests that the global warming cause may end up being added to the mix.  To which I reply: if only.  That’d be the fastist way to discredit the whole movement.  Still, the dupes-fools-and-knaves contingent is in full force at London, and they think that they smell blood, so they’re energized.

As long as they stay energized over there.  Faux-populist movements are annoying at best, and kind of intolerable at worst.

Crossposted to Moe Lane.