So. Do I want to start all over again?

…Which is to say: start at Mass Effect, play through; then play through all the rest until I hit Mass Effect 3 and the ending? The Mass Effect Trilogy is almost weirdly inspirational in its mere existence, although part of it may be simply because my previous favored ME2/3 Shepard has a small error in her backstory (she’s not Spaceborn, which may translate into a small dollop of extra pain in ME3).

But that’s a lot of free time.

Let me solve Bioware’s two problems for it.

OK, so Bioware has two ‘problems.’

  1. There will be no more Dragon Age 2 DLC.  This is a problem.
  2. Many people don’t like the Mass Effect 3 ending.  I do not consider this a problem, but never mind that right now.

So… the answer is simple, is it not? Continue reading Let me solve Bioware’s two problems for it.

OK, Bioware, I understand that sh*t has gotten real…

…in ME3. I’m down with that. And I am down with the fact that people are going to die in this game whether I like it or not. I am. I am likewise down with the fact that some of the people who die are people that I don’t want to die. I even understand that after this game the story of Commander Shepard will officially have been told, so there’s no thematic reason to keep some NPCs around, either.


That was just cruel. Especially the first one; because it was ultimately (if inadvertently) MY fault why that asari girl was crying, you know.

Moe Lane

PS: This game rocks on toast.

So, I was at TV Tropes…

…yeah, it’s a miracle that anybody leaves that site before they fall unconscious from lack of food/sleep; anyway, I came across this as part of the “Video Game Caring Potential” page:

Picking the Colonist backstory in Mass Effect results in a sidequest where you find a character who was from the same colony as you, but who was captured and enslaved and became severely messed up. She was rescued, but grabbed a weapon away and hid. She talks about herself in the third person, and you can either rush in and jab her with a sedative or talk to her, approaching slowly, and administer it without spooking her. On the way you can learn some of the details about what happened and tell her it’s not her fault. If you play it right, you can convince her to take the sedative herself, then, as she falls asleep in your arms, whisper the following to her:

  • Shepard: You’ll dream of a warm place. And when you wake up, you’ll be in it.

Yup.  Dragon Age got me looking at Bioware games; Mass Effect got me hooked on them, and it was with stuff like this.

Ah, First World Problems.

I’m at a bit of an impasse, here.  I have sucked out all the juices possible for Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2.  I’ve long since gotten everything that I was going to get out of Dragon Age 2; I’m now just waiting for the next DLC. Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition is months away.  Right now, I have two choices: try to get back into Assassin’s Creed 2, or else fire up Deus Ex: Human Revolution.  The problem with the former is that I probably really do need to pick up something like Xbox 360 Controller if I want to play the game; the problem with the latter is that I had it reserved for January or February, when the ME3 shakes would start really getting bad.

Anybody got an opinion? – You don’t have to have one, by the way.  As I said, this is a First World problem.  I should just be grateful that I have access to clean water, food, and clothing.

Hey, new Dragon Age 2 DLC! (Felicia Day)

I thought that the name would get your attention. New Dragon Age 2 DLC: Mark of the Assassin.

It appears we’ll see Felicia Day as a video game character in BioWare’s Dragon Age universe before we see her in the previously announced live-action web series, Dragon Age: Redemption. BioWare revealed that the next DLC pack for Dragon Age II will feature Day’s Elven assassin character and be ready for download on October 11.

Looks kind of Mass Effect 2: Kasumi – Stolen Memory:

…which ain’t a criticism: I liked that adventure pretty well.  Ten bucks for what’s supposedly supposed to be pretty stealthy; that should appease some of the people who spent the entire first game hiding and sneaking. Continue reading Hey, new Dragon Age 2 DLC! (Felicia Day)