Patreon Microfiction: ‘Nothing Greater Than Us .’

‘Nothing Greater Than Us’ will be in the anthology of short stories that will be the next book that I do, after FROZEN DREAMS (which is set in the same universe) gets over and done with. The guy in it has yet to show up otherwise in the storyline, although he’ll probably be in the next book that I write. I have a full writing schedule, these days.

Patreon Microfiction: ‘They Seem Nice.’

‘They Seem Nice’ assumes that there’s at least one species out there that might rather like the idea of being conquered, as long as it’s by somebody who can keep the water on and the trash taken away. Maybe an older species, who really wants to explore this ‘decadence’ thing properly; and, look, there’s that so very keen species over there ready to take over all the dull administrative duties! How convenient.

Patreon Microfiction: ‘First Line of Defense.’

“First Line of Defense” got its genesis from the idea of alien vampires from the Night’s Black Agents RPG, I think. It would be interesting to write about this setting. What if the reason that species do not go conquer the galaxy is because every star system has monsters standing guard over it?

Patreon Microfiction: ‘And the Guns Still Worked.’

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is pretty much what would happen, should something like this ever happen. Assuming that the aliens would even land here. When contemplating the firepower of my countrymen, the word ‘bristling’ should be used often…