Patreon Microfiction: “Gimme Some Sugar, Baby.”

Everybody’s got a line they won’t cross, hey? There’s a book lurking in the background of ‘Gimme Some Sugar, Baby;’ I just don’t feel like writing it. It’d likely end with the narrator dead, lying face down in a huge pile of cumin powder. I’m a bit of a moralist that way.

Patreon Microfiction: The Principle of the Thing.

Heh. There might have been a joke there if I had called it “The Principal of the Thing.” But then people might have written in to let me know that I meant ‘Principle,’ so I guess I dodged a bullet but not noticing the potential joke before now.

Patreon Microfiction: Love those Guys.

Hydrans look kind of like reptile-quails, with big eyes and a fuzzy brown-gold carapace. The species is generally considered to be solidly in the ‘weird-looking, but kissable’ category by most humans. They don’t wear much, but Hydrans are quite fond of boots; they typically adopt various species’ styles (Terran snakeskin boots are popular). Hydrans are invariably encountered with a beer in their hand.