Two days left on Michael Williams’ Online Contribution Drive.

Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams is running to replace Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson in anticipation of her vacating her Senate seat to run for Governor, and he’s currently attempting to raise $10,000 by May 31st.  Here’s some footage from him from the April 15th Tea Party:

If you like this, or his stance on current issues, feel free to donate.

Full disclosure: I am in contact with the Williams campaign.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

‘What Could Possibly Go Wrong With This Ad Campaign?’

Via Hot Air Headlines:

Don’t Freak, The White Powder Is Aspirin Crystals

Oh, yes, this is going to be an inspired ad campaign.

If you get an envelope in the mail containing white powder, chances are, it’s nothing to freak out about.

According to local officials, the Bayer Aspirin Company will be deploying a nationwide mass mailing ad campaign that seems a little “misguided.”

Between May 20 and May 29, the Aspirin Company will be sending out 178,000 envelopes. Of those envelopes, 33,561 will contain a sample of Bayer Aspirin Crystals, which is a white powder.

To quote the Vice President:


Couldn’t have said it better, myself.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Why are we not selling military equipment to a democratic ally?

Contemplate this: you have already guessed who I am talking about.

It is, after all, not a Republican administration.

Administration blocks helicopters for Israel due to civilian casualties in Gaza

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has blocked Israel’s request for advanced U.S.-origin attack helicopters.

Government sources said the administration has held up Israel’s request for the AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter. The sources said the request was undergoing an interagency review to determine whether additional Longbow helicopters would threaten Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Via AoSHQ, via The Hasmonean, who is apparently keeping track.

If this pleases you, by the way, consider that the administration doesn’t have the guts to do any of this openly. Saying one thing in public and doing another in private is a behavior pattern that most of us were supposed to discard by the time we graduated high school; I grant that this is honored more in the breach than the observance, but we expect more from our leaders. If the White House wants to disarm Israel, it should do it in public and take the heat…

Yes, I’m a blind, mad optimist. Almost dangerously so, in fact. But dammit: this isn’t right.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Klavan: Why are conservatives so mean?

and he proceeds to explain. In admirably frank detail, and with a cheerful lack of concern about showing any respect toward those people that, in Klavan’s clear opinion, have not really earned it. Personally, I think that Pajamas TV may be shooting itself in the foot by not making this stuff embeddable, but nobody asked me, now did they?

Via Little Miss Attila.

Moe Lane

PS: In case you don’t have it:

Crossposted to RedState.

If you’re a conservative with deep pockets, read this.

Or if you know a conservative with deep pockets, or work for one, or have something juicy on one and want to do the Right a favor – heck, just read What DealerGate Says About the Conservative ‘Message’ Problem.  Worth your time.

Josh has already covered it here, but it deserves to be pointed out again.

Crossposted to RedState.

BREAKING: Feds subpoenaing Visclosky’s office. [UPDATED]

[UPDATE] And welcome, Instapundit readers. What I said below, and I suspect that a few of you may find this upcoming bit of DVD news of interest.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Hot Air readers. And may I say that there’s a part of me that hopes that Pelosi tries to quash this? It’s a lovely time of year for a gutter war.

I was tempted to go with the headline “FEDS RAID VISCLOSKY!” solely to give some of our lurkers acute acid reflux, but really: this is quite good on its own:

Feds subpoena Rep. Visclosky’s offices

Federal law enforcement officials have subpoenaed the congressional and campaign offices of Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-Ind.) to get information about a former defense lobby firm raided by the FBI, according to Visclosky.

Certain Visclosky employees have also been sent grand jury subpoenas requesting documents related to the PMA Group, a lobby shop with strong ties to the Indiana lawmaker. Visclosky’s former chief of staff, Rich Kaelin, was a high-profile lobbyist at the firm that closed its doors at the end of March.

Continue reading BREAKING: Feds subpoenaing Visclosky’s office. [UPDATED]

White House picks ambassadors for Great Britian, France.

OK, I admit it: the Ambassador to France part is mostly mentioned because of the Yo Gabba Gabba thing.  Which is something that I’ve never actually watched, although I have a sinking feeling that as the kids get older I will be forced to correct that.  Anyway, it’s business as usual when it comes to giving out the prestige diplomatic appointments:

Big Dem Donors Score Plum Ambassadorships

Yo Gabba Gabba, indeed.

President Obama last night announced his intention to nominate a dozen individuals to key ambassadorships. Among them: entertainment executive and Democratic fundraiser Charles Rivkin, who the president has tapped to be Ambassador to France.

In 2005 Rivkin became president and CEO of W!LDBRAIN, an award-winning entertainment company that produces the Nickelodeon hit “Yo Gabba Gabba!” He served as the co-finance chair in California of then-Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

Continue reading White House picks ambassadors for Great Britian, France.

Return of the Crocs?

His plans for Crocs — though almost more terrifying and real a threat than the swine flu — sound logical enough to work.




Crocs Determined to Survive the Downturn

Crocs have been on a downward spiral for months now. Fashion people have rejoiced at the thought of Crocs — the bubonic plague of footwear — succumbing to the economy and dying out altogether in the foreseeable future. Earlier this month, the company reported a loss of $22.4 million in the first quarter (last year they only lost $4.5 million in that period). The outlook seemed dismal for Crocs yet bright for feet everywhere! But like so many unattractive fashion trends (high-wasted tapered pants, Arden Wohl headbands, leg warmers, scrunchies … ), Crocs are poised to survive, quite possibly flourish. In March they brought on John Duerden as president and CEO. Charged with turning the company around, he’s painfully optimistic.

I’ll be honest: I’m posting this because of the ‘the bubonic plague of footwear’ crack; a line like that deserves as wide a circulation as it can get.  Justifiable, right?  So why am I linking to this?

Oh, that’s just sheer sadism.