Missourians about to get charged for energy reduction programs.

Hey, these things cost money.

And, contrary to our current ruling party’s (Democrats) operating fiscal paradigm, there are no money trees out there.  If you want a thing, you have to find a way to pay for it.  The trouble is, of course, that if you don’t particularly want a thing you may have to pay for it anyway, particularly when the people who do want it (Democrats) happen to have one of their own as Governor of Missouri.

These three paragraphs come to the heart of the matter, I think.  Bear in mind that Governor Nixon’s (D) overall goal is that there be less power usage, which sounds marvelous until you contemplate the implications of a population that’s increasing faster than power production.  If you don’t want to increase power supply, and you can’t control the population, the only way to manage the situation is to set up conditions where individual expectations of fair-share power are lowered to a level that equals the supply.  We have an adjective to describe that condition.

It’s ‘poor.’

Usually, regulators allow utilities to recoup the cost of building power plants or buying more power to meet customer demand. Recently, the Missouri Public Service Commission began allowing some utilities to pass along to customers the cost of programs that reduce demand for electricity.

For example, the commission last week approved a program in which St. Louis-based AmerenUE can offer credits to businesses that voluntarily shut down or scale back their electricity use during peak demand. AmerenUE will be able to recoup the cost for the program that starts Thursday by increasing the rates it charges business customers.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that energy-saving programs offered by utilities will add about 3 percent to the average electricity rates. But it says customers who participate in the programs could save 10 percent to 20 percent on their energy bills, and even those who don’t participate might save if utilities don’t have to buy more energy or build new power plants.

(Bolding mine) Continue reading Missourians about to get charged for energy reduction programs.

Clearly, SecState Clinton is going to challenge Schumer in 2010.

It’ll clearly happen after a dramatic breaking with the administration this fall over foreign policy.


Bill Clinton to raise money for NY Dem challenger

WASHINGTON – In a slap at President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton will headline a fundraiser for a New York congresswoman challenging White House-backed Sen. Kristen Gillibrand in the state’s Democratic primary.

Clinton has not endorsed in the race, but his efforts to help Rep. Carolyn Maloney could be seen as a snub to Gillibrand and the Obama White House. Matt McKenna, a spokesman for Clinton, said he will be attending a July 20 fundraiser in New York.

(H/T: Hot Air)

Hey, it’s as good an answer as any other, right? Personally, I’d consider Clinton a trade-up, myself.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Seven months since the Wasilla Church Burning…

…and no arrests; no updates; and no real indication that the federal government is taking seriously an organized attempt to murder mothers and children by setting their church on fire. Remember: they used accelerant on the doors. There’s no chance at all this was meant to be a ‘prank.’

Eric Holder recently went before Congress to call for a strengthened hate crimes bill. It occurs to me that calling his office at 202-353-1555 and politely inquiring how the Department of Justice is doing in its investigation of this existing one would be an excellent way to start your work week.

Moe Lane

PS: The response to this should not break down along partisan political lines; I will be pleasantly surprised if this turns out to be the case.

Crossposted to RedState.

Wisconsin is now *totally* punk.

The funny part? I wish that this wasn’t just a goof-up.

Madison — As the state agency charged with running elections, the Government Accountability Board can’t show favor for Republicans or Democrats.

But is it biased toward anarchists?

The board recently launched a new logo – an A inside a circle – that looks similar to the traditional symbol for anarchy.

Continue reading Wisconsin is now *totally* punk.

I don’t think that Colin Powell gets to get off that easily.

I understand Erick’s post – really, I do – but let’s just establish something here:

“And I never would have believed that we would have budgets that are running into the multi-trillions of dollars, and we are amassing a huge, huge national debt that, if we don’t pay for in our lifetime, our kids and grandkids and great grandchildren will have to pay for it.”

You should have, General. You really should have. Because I certainly did.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

“Dragon’s World: A Fantasy Made Real”

Dragon’s World: A Fantasy Made Real: we bought it to distract the kid (we forgot to pack his usual DVD fare of Mighty Machines*), but it’s sufficiently entertaining that I’ll probably end up watching it at some point.  Even if they did replace the voiceover narration of Ian Holm with Patrick Stewart.

Moe Lane

*You’ll understand when you have kids.