George, Laura visit Fort Hood.

It’s not far from where they live, of course.

Last night former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura made a secret visit to the devastated military families at Fort Hood.

The Bushes instructed the commander of the mourning military base that they wanted no publicity. With their Secret Service detail, Bush and his wife made the 30 mile trip unannounced from their ranch near Crawford, Texas Friday evening.

Note the lack of photos (Top of the Ticket had to use a stock picture from Qatar in 2003, apparently).  And I am fighting the urge to editorialize this.

It is… difficult.

Moe Lane

President Obama needs to fire Rahm Emanuel.

When I heard that the President’s first reaction to the Fort Hood terrorist attack was to go quickly through the prepared version of his speech and then talk about the attack, I shrugged. I knew that we weren’t getting somebody who could connect with the American people on a fundamental level (I suspect that it was a large part of his novelty appeal, after sixteen years of Presidents who could and did), and Glenn Reynolds was right: the President defaults to academic mode*.  I’m sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

When I skimmed over the revelation that the President had mixed up the Medal of Honor with the Medal of Freedom, I again shrugged, although less readily.  He’s a Democratic politician, I thought.  Outside specific geographic areas they simply can’t be expected to remember details like that.

But now I hear that he had gotten the medal wrong of somebody he had given the medal to himself not three months earlier, I cringed.  This is precisely the sort of error that a well-trained and well-organized Presidential staff is expected to routinely avert; the fact that it slipped through suggests that this administration has neither.  And that is the fault of the Chief of Staff.

I want to make this point clear: yes, the White House staff is supposed to be better at this.  They are supposed to be competent.  They are not.  And I am not directly blaming the President for their incompetence: he had a reasonable expectation that the person that he has delegated to ensure their competence would do his job.  That COS Emanuel turned out to be this sloppy at his administrative duties is honestly a surprise to everybody.  But the man needs to go, and be replaced with someone with the right skill set.

Moe Lane

*I know that his supporters are fond of thinking of the President as being an avatar of either Kennedy or FDR, but in reality he’s much closer to Woodrow Wilson.  And I’m not going to pretend that this is a compliment.

I wonder if the Texas Rangers are hiring.

I understand that they look for this sort of thing.

Sergeant Munley, 34, was unconscious after being shot three times by Hasan and was rushed to hospital after she lost so much blood doctors thought she would die.

She was shot twice in the left thigh and once in the wrist but still managed to bring Malik down with four shots of her own.

Dr Kelly Matlock, who treated Munley in hospital, said: “She opened her eyes and said, ‘Did anybody die?’ That’s what she said.” Sgt Munley has now been told that Hasan killed 13 people and wounded 38 but her actions saved the lives of many others.

Via Hot Air, which also has a rather pointed suggestion about the need for Congressional hearings into the Fort Hood terrorist attack. Turns out that the terrorist responsible for the attack has a link to Anwar al-Awlaki; it would probably be a really good idea to find out just how this kind of breakdown occurred in our domestic anti-terrorism watch.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Finally saw the V Pilot.

Pretty good stuff: sort of like Reptoids, but without the Jew-hating. Nice to see Wash and Inara get work. I don’t quite believe that it was intended to be an allegory of the current administration; but I suspect that when the second part shows up next year it’s going to have an extra heaping of quiet criticism. The folks at ABC are even now looking at the numbers, and thinking hard about the consequences.

And, dammit, they’re still using the ‘we need your water’ excuse. As Larry Niven once noted, they came in cruising right past Saturn’s rings, which are made of ice and has nobody shooting at them.

Moe Lane

PS: You know you want this.

Which Republican did this? [UPDATED.]

[UPDATE] I was emailed that it was Louie Gohmert (R TX-01). Looking for video.

[ANOTHER UPDATE]: Short, sweet, and to the point:

I’m not following the floor action on the House health care rationing bill – I figure it’ll eventually pass the House somehow, and I am still fighting a cold – so I didn’t see this.  Which is a shame, because it must have been hysterical:

Fun stuff…Hoyer led the House in cheering for John [Dingell]. Nice touch and all but then a Republican got up and asked unanimous consent that [Dingell] be given back the Chairmanship of the House Energy And Commerce Committee. Pelosi replaced him, the Dean of the House, with Henry Waxman because [Dingell], being from Michigan, would never have moved on Cap and Tax.

Well played. I’d love to know who did this, and whether it was done on his or her own initiative.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Doctor No, health care rationing, and unanimous consent.

(H/T: Big Government) Senator Tom Coburn is living up to his nickname:

Sen. Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican who developed a close friendship with President Obama when they served together in the Senate, is threatening to have the entire health care bill read on the Senate floor.

Senior Senate Democratic aides had heard Coburn was considering having potentially thousands of pages read aloud in effort to stall passage. “If he did this it would be even outrageous for a guy who’s become known as Dr. No around here,” one of them told POLITICO.

Good luck on getting Coburn to back down on this: we’re talking about a guy who has a hold on a veterans’ bill because it’s not addressing his concerns about cost duplication and discrimination. We’re also talking about a guy with an approval rating somewhere around 60 with his constituents – so that argument is out, too.  Ed Morrissey thinks that this could delay the bill for up to half a year; I don’t expect it to go that far, but Coburn’s poised to be able to do one heck of a monkeywrenching job on the health care rationing bill for at least the rest of 2009…

Moe Lane

Crosssposted to RedState.

Scenes from the class struggle in Cleveland, OH*.

Or, by the flexible standards of Eugene Robinson, evidence of the ongoing civil war within the Democratic party:

In a rare two-way race between two members of a third party, a member of the Green Party is beating out a member of the Communist Party for a seat on the Cleveland City Council.

Apparently both the Green and the Commie are also Democrats; Kuchinich had shown the light of his countenance upon the latter, to no real effect (the Greenie won).  Aren’t local elections fun?  The people reading this should really get into their own…

Moe Lane

*Classical reference.

Crossposted to RedState.