And they call this a time-traveler T-shirt.

As in, a Time Traveler Essentials T-Shirt.

Yeah, right. It doesn’t mention once either black powder or alcohol.  Look: it’s great to bring up nuclear fission and everything, but those two inventions combined will fuel any number of gunpowder empires that one might care to foster.

Sheesh.  Maybe they thought that potential owners had already memorized the relevant bits anyway.

Fire your speechwriter, Senator Burris.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) It doesn’t bloody scan. At all.  I was wincing by line 2.

In fact: watch and learn, Sparky.

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Senate
Dems schemed over health care. Who cares what was in it?
The majority planned, in guise of reform,
To pass their agenda in one perfect storm.

“We own the whole Senate!” cried they with a grin.
“Not to mention the House! It’ll get voted in.”
(Though there was no need, at least right this second;
But the vision of partisan triumphing beckoned.)

The Republican Senators of course could not win
Because their minority was simply too thin.
– But across every state there rose such a clatter
From people the Democrats thought didn’t matter.

So Dems sprang to their desks and they ran to the floor
To pass something quick, lest the mob at the door
Would then make it clear, in terms fairly raucous
That the country was mad at their pork-ridden caucus.

“Hey, POTUS! Hey, Speaker! Hey, YOU! Harry Reid!
What games are you playing in our hour of need?”
The jobs are all going, we know who to blame:
And don’t think to worry: we’ll remember your name.

Burris could care less, because he’s retiring;
He knows that he can’t be subject to firing.
And so, Blago’s Revenge can push for a fight
That won’t ever cost him a single lost night.

They bribed their three-fifths, there under the dome
And bleary-eyed Senators rose to go home.
A party-line vote – and wasn’t it fun?
Because I assure you, it’s only begun.

The people out there did vote for Obama
They didn’t vote, though, for this kind of drama.
Poll numbers on this have dropped out of sight!
So Merry Christmas to all! Hugs and kisses, the Right.

Moe Lane


One last little quibble with that first edition:
‘Option’ is not a good rhyme for ‘condition.’

Crossposted to RedState.

Then maybe you shouldn’t have voted for it, *Bernie*.

Like no Republican voted for it, Bernie.

“The insurance companies are going to make out like bandits. The drug companies are going to make out like bandits,” Sanders said during an appearance on MSNBC. “No question about that. This is not a strong bill.”

And you can stop whining about how the big, bad Republicans made you – and your fellow Democrats* – vote for what you just called a payoff for big money interests.


Moe Lane

*Yeah, sure, you’re not one. Keep telling yourself that, Bernie.

Crossposted to RedState.

3Q GDP increase decreased again.

Remember that 3.5% growth in Q3?  You know, the one that supposedly represented us bouncing back, and not in a dead-cat sort of way?

Yeah.  Not precisely:

NEW YORK ( — U.S. economic growth in the third quarter was much weaker than the previously estimated, according to the government’s final reading released Tuesday.

Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the nation’s economic activity, grew at an annual rate of only 2.2% in the three months ending in September. A month ago the estimate was growth of 2.8%, and the initial reading in October was more robust growth of 3.5%.

See Megan McArdle and Ed Morrissey for some analysis (short version: the economy sucks, and the ‘growth’ was a one-off involving that absurd Cash For Clunkers program). About all I can say is that at least it’s still positive; and that hopefully it, coupled with a 4Q GDP taking advantage of the Christmas season, will still be enough to maybe convince American consumers to fuel a recovery.

Note that I am ‘hoping,’ not ‘expecting.’

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Excuse me while I depress most of you utterly.

As Aaron Allston notes: there is going to be a Marmaduke movie,but not… well, read:

Calvin & Hobbes. If there’s one comic strip just about everyone wishes hadn’t stopped, it was Bill Waterson’s epic about a boy terror and his imaginary(?) friend, a stuffed tiger. They should have hucked “Dennis the Menace” when looking to the funnies and picked up Calvin, but… How it would work: Give it to Pixar and let them work on it without interference. Send Waterson to them in a locked crate so they can study him at leisure. If anyone tried making this in to a live-action film, it would fail so hard that audiences would be killed by the shrapnel.

When you think about it, the fact that there isn’t a Calvin & Hobbes film out there is superficially inexplicable. The combination of nigh-universal audience appeal + actors/actresses fighting to get in on the project + major animation studio capable of handling it should = instant box office mega-mojo.  That it doesn’t… oh.  Right.  That entire ‘eating your soul’ thing that happens to movie executives above a certain level.

Never mind.

Moe Lane

Barack Obama: GOP PLANT?

The heck of it is, how can you tell an agent provocateur assigned to the task of driving a political party into the wall from a sincere party man doing it all on his own? Better aim?

A taste:

Upon taking office President Obama had to further enrage the Republican base, so he quickly and publicly rescinded some of the effective policies of George W. Bush by executive order. And then the fun began.

He campaigned as a Democrat who would work with Republicans, but named ultra-partisan Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff. In a move that could have been considered parody, he named Timothy Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury. A man who would be in charge of collecting all of our taxes while not paying his own. The media later questioned why Geithner wasn’t properly vetted.

He was.

Barack Obama later named former Senator Tom Daschle to be his head of Health and Human Services. It was later revealed Daschle had tax problems of his own. The media later questioned why Daschle wasn’t properly vetted.

He was.

Barack Obama named environmental activist Van Jones to be one of his many czars. When video and audio surfaced of Jones making questionable statements (including calling Republicans “assh[*]es”), the media later questioned why Jones wasn’t properly vetted.

He was.

Continue reading Barack Obama: GOP PLANT?

Your “NO! Really? Who would have thought it?” headline of the day.

Banks with political ties got bailouts, study shows

(Via Drudge)  Oddly enough, Reuters completely forgot to mention any particularly egregious examples.  This one in particular: you’d think that they would have wanted to do some actual reporting on skulduggery.

OneUnited Bank in Massachusetts got aid after Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) inserted language into the bailout bill that effectively directed Treasury to give the bank special consideration. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) also helped the bank, in which her husband held shares, by arranging a meeting between government officials and a group including OneUnited’s chief executive. The bank got $12.1 million last December, but it has made only a single dividend payment. It has now missed payments in three straight quarters, and it is not required to make up the missed payments.

You’d think.