Vic Snyder (D, AR-02) breaks and runs.

The usual ‘more time with his family‘ bit, and nothing about a 17 point deficit in the polls. Then again, that’s not too surprising – although it’d be great if just once one of these guys said “I’m not going to throw away ten months of my life on an election that I’m just going to lose anyway?”  Admittedly, if Snyder had the nerve to do that he might not have fled the upcoming race.

Moving along, Charlie Cook had this at Democratic Toss-Up, and emphasis on ‘had.’ If I had to guess, I’d expect at least ‘Leans Republican’ by the next update.  The three Republicans that I know of so far for this race are Tim Griffin, Scott Wallace, and David Meeks.  Check them out.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Quote of the Day, Quote of the Year edition.

Pour yourself a glass of something nice before you read this: it deserves it.

“Obama is radioactive in polls,” said one senior Dem operative who has seen the campaign’s internal numbers. “Every time they dropped his name in a poll, it was awful. So you just can’t take those kinds of chances.”

We actually got the damned horse to sing.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

Dante’s Inferno: the novelization!

Longfellow (whose translation* they’re using) would be… asking where his damn royalties were, actually:


Yeah.  They took the first book of the Comedy, slapped in some Dante’s Inferno-specific artwork and called it a ‘novelization‘.


Hey, Penny Arcade said it best: “fact is, sometimes you got to lie to a motherf*cker.”  Only, without the asterisk.

Moe Lane

*I prefer the Ciardi translation, myself.

Yes, Earl Pomeroy (D, ND-AL). Why DON’T you retire?

Doing so will save us the trouble of removing you from office in November.  Which we will. This is a bad year to be a Democratic incumbent in a Republican district.

In an emotional talk with other Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee this week, North Dakota Rep. Earl Pomeroy said the protracted debate is hurting him so badly back home that he might as well retire if it drags on much longer.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

PS: Of course there’s a GOP candidate running for his seat. Kevin Cramer, chairman of North Dakota’s Public Service Commission. More fallout from Senator Dorgan cutting and running – although ‘fallout’ may have too many negative connotations, here. At least, negative from the GOP’s point of view…

Crossposted to RedState.

DOOMWatch: Democrats insulating POTUS from Massachusetts…

…yes, I just wrote that out. This is one time when the title says it all: “Massachusetts: ‘Bottom has fallen out’ of Coakley’s polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama.”

H/T… everybody, really.

Moe Lane

PS: Scott Brown for Senate.

Crossposted to RedState.

This is the January 14th Cook Competitive House Race Chart.

Here. 110 races: 50 competitive, 60 ‘potentially’ competitive. Democrats hold 40 of the 50 competitive seats and 45 of the 60 ‘potentially competitive’ seats.  But the relative ratios of Democrats at risk to Republicans at risk is not the question.

The question is what the January 21st Cook Competitive House Race Chart is going to look like.

Crossposted to RedState.