#rsrh QotD: Health Care DOOM edition.

The Washington Examiner’s Chris Stirewalt, on the fallout of Obamacare:

There was no health care bounce. In fact, there has been something of a health care swoon.

Use of ‘fallout’ deliberate, by the way: there was a big explosion that wrecked the immediate landscape, followed by a poisonous rain that will make everything it touches radioactive for the next couple of years – but still can be cleaned up, provided that people are willing to work at getting rid of all the contaminated bits.

‘Nice’ list of Bush-era protest photos…

…for a given value of ‘nice;’ but John Hawkins missed one.

Hawkins’ point is nonetheless well-taken; the credibility of the Democratic party is going to be fundamentally compromised until they address the fact that, from about 2003 to 2009, they were increasingly willing to let people like the above (or the ones in Hawkins’ lists) march in their rallies sans denials, disavowing, or frankly a punch in the face. And it doesn’t matter how much the media covers for them; ordinary, decent Americans react to this sort of thing with an instinctive and absolutely justified revulsion, which made countering it a whole lot easier during the Bush administration.

And since the Left doesn’t seem to have learned its lesson

Moe Lane

Crossposted to Moe Lane.

Book of the Week: “The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age.”

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I was at a loss for this week’s: I asked my wife; and she said The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age (Routledge Classics). And then she warned me that it isn’t pop research, so pack a lunch before reading it.

Yes, a bit of a jump from Planetary Vol. 4: Spacetime Archaeology to this. It happens.

#rsrh I’m too sexy for my Census form.

The government probably had similar problems with the last one, too, but this is still funny: the hipsters aren’t bothering with filling theirs out, the dolts. Listen to the NPR report on this (with a slightly glassy smile) (transcript here):

…and let me just highlight this marvel of our public school system:

Just outside the record store, I meet Jamie Lilly. She knows the ads. She got the form but she thinks that returning it is just supporting a government that she doesnt believe in.

Ms. JAMIE LILLY: You know, on a personal note, maybe some people, they figure what’s the point to be counted if you dont count for much anyway? If we dont count, why be counted?

Words cannot express my relief that it is highly unlikely that Ms. Lilly will ever have a say in formulating Republican party policy.

Vision past, vision future: San Francisco 1906.

What struck me about this video….

(Via Car Lust, via Instapundit)

…was the way that people kept apparently stopping to stare at the viewer. It puzzled me, until I realized that they were staring at the motion picture camera, which of course in 1906 was this marvelous new technological wonder that promised to change the world… and didn’t it, just? We’re just so used to the effects now that we don’t really contemplate what it’s like to have a history that can be replayed and re-experienced…

#rsrh I shouldn’t think that this is funny.

I used to smoke, and I’m one of those rare ex-smokers who don’t hate current smokers with the burning fires of a billion suns.

On the other hand, I never smoked in the bathroom, either. People need to use the bathroom, and breathing in one of those things can sometimes be enough of a chore as is.

Via Troglopundit.

Crashing the ‘Crashing the Tea Party’ Meme.

I can’t speak for whether or not the ‘Crash the Tea Party’ thing referenced here is real, or just some dweeb on the West Coast who’s trying to sell t-shirts to liberal racists who don’t want to admit that they’re racists.  Honestly, I could see either; one of the gratifying things about the Tea Party movement has been to see demonstrated that the Left’s vaunted prowess at organization and activism largely depends on having no standard for comparison.  They’re really pretty lousy at this.

That being said, the advice found here is pretty good:

Plants have already happened, just not organized ones. Regardless, perhaps organizers (or attendees) need to have a few signs that say “Liberal Plant, not a REAL TeaPartier” and be on the lookout for these double-secret spies. When one is found, then pull out your signs and stand next to the plant. No violence or physical actions, just isolate and embarrass.

And make sure that you get it on the record that you’ve done this.  I will keep harping on this until the end of time: a camera is an indispensable tool for these things. Without cameras they would have been able to get away with lying about Congressmen being spit on and called racial epithets*. So get one.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Crashing the ‘Crashing the Tea Party’ Meme.