In the Mail: The Dagon Collection.

Specifically: The Dagon Collection: An Auction Catalogue of Items Recovered in the Federal Raid on Innsmouth, Mass. You can think of this as a companion piece to The Starry Wisdom Library: The Catalogue of the Greatest Occult Book Auction of All Time, which is I feel a truly indispensible book to have on hand whenever you’re running a Cthulhu Mythos campaign and need to actually describe one of these Books That Man Was Not Meant To Know. I can’t wait to dive into this book, which I ordered all the way from England. In fact, I think that it’s calling to me right now…


Pre-ordered: The Dagon Collection.

Specifically, The Dagon Collection: An Auction Catalogue of Items Recovered in the 1929 Federal Raid on Innsmouth, Mass. It is described as a companion volume to The Starry Wisdom Library, which is easily one of the best Cthulhu Mythos resources I have ever seen. The conceit in both cases is that the books are catalogues of Mythos-related materials from private collections. The Starry Wisdom Library covered Forbidden Texts; presumably The Dagon Collection will do the same for Blasphemous Artifacts. I expect to be able to heartily recommend this book, once I get my grubby little hands on it…


Check out @kennethhite’s proposed online course on H.P. Lovecraft!

I signed up for this: hopefully it’ll get enough interest to actually run.

The Emperor in Yellow: some thoughts on a potential new RPG campaign world.

For the next Patreon offering. This would be explicitly Cthulhu Mythos, with a HEAVY reliance on The King in Yellow. Thoughts?

Idea: Emperor Norton I did die on January 8, 1880 — and his body was taken over by the King in Yellow, which then used Norton’s miraculous ‘recovery’ to insidiously spread through California.  Now it’s 1911, and San Francisco mayor Winthrop is about to run for President, on the strength of his leadership during the horrible statewide earthquake of 1906. And Norton’s husk is finally about to die.

Continue reading The Emperor in Yellow: some thoughts on a potential new RPG campaign world.

‘The Funniest Joke in the World’ through the Cthulhu Mythos lens.

It occurs to me that virtually every scheme I’ve ever seen in gaming that involves somebody trying to weaponize or commercialize some aspect of the Cthulhu Mythos (or other horror concept) effectively takes this skit as its template for a successful weaponizing or commercialization. This is how it’s always supposed to work. And it never, ever does.

Some thoughts on this ‘Lost in Smoke’ scenario hook from Pelgrane.

The basic idea – Mythos-infused tobacco causing destructively-seductive ghostly apparations and visions – is pretty good all on its own.  But you could also tie it in with the black lotus and whatnot found in the Conan novels, and thus bring in the Hyborian Age stuff that Trail of Cthulhu, I think, would find rather entertainingly useful.  I mean, there’s some of it in there now, obviously, because Lovecraft and Howard were friends and pen-pals.  But you could really ratchet up the Howard for a Pulp game.

Something to think about, I guess.

Cthulhu macrofasciculumque fhtagn! Cthulhu macrofasciculumque fhtagn! IA! IA! IA!

Couple things about this story:


  1. Cool.
  2. Cthylla? …Um.  Yeah. That’s kind of, well.  Look, I’m not going to say anything bad about Brian Lumley, OK?  And God knows that nobody should be too high and mighty to say that only certain people can play in the Mythos sandbox… so, yeah, I should shut up now.  Nevermind.
  3. …Again: cool.

The intersection of these two essays would be interesting.

Batman and Evil, Ben Domenech.

The Man Who Shot Joseph Curwin, Ken Hite.

Postulate: If HP Lovecraft had lived and gotten a job with DC he would have been one Hell of a writer of Batman comics*.


Moe Lane

*Admittedly, I’m kind of stealing at least the skeleton of that postulate from Ken.  Hopefully, he won’t mind.