Banner day today.

Finished KOTOR 2 and finally pulled off my old files from my old hard drive.  Not that people particularly care about either, but this is the Internet, and talking about things that other people don’t particularly care about is just one of the many things that we do here.

Of course, now I have to play KOTOR 2 again to see all the stuff that I missed the first time not to mention correct the dumb mistake I made throughout the game in thinking that what my light-saber wielding Jedi needed was more and more DEX at the extent of STR, all the while wondering why I was never hitting anything in melee*.  It’s either that or break down and start playing Assassin’s Creed 2… which was meant to be a gift for my wife in the first place.

Moe Lane

*Trust me: the people who played 3rd Ed D&D are pointing and laughing at me right now.

#rsrh WaPo/Plame: Man Bites Dog.

I mean, I knew right from the start that the movie that they made about Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame was going to be errant nonsense, but it’s a bit of a shock for the Washington Post to use up valuable editorial space to declare shenanigans.  After casually eviscerating the central premise and main narration of the movie, the WaPo forthrightly – and very accurately – calls Joe Wilson a lying suckweasel (I paraphrase):

Hollywood has a habit of making movies about historical events without regard for the truth; “Fair Game” is just one more example. But the film’s reception illustrates a more troubling trend of political debates in Washington in which established facts are willfully ignored. Mr. Wilson claimed that he had proved that Mr. Bush deliberately twisted the truth about Iraq, and he was eagerly embraced by those who insist the former president lied the country into a war. Though it was long ago established that Mr. Wilson himself was not telling the truth – not about his mission to Niger and not about his wife – the myth endures. We’ll join the former president in hoping that future historians get it right.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) The truly tragic bit? I’m almost certain that there will be almost no explosions, automatic weapons fire combined with a car chase, and/or catsuits involved in the film.  That might have made the silly thing watchable.

Moe Lane

Cook gets two out of three right.

Which is not bad for a political prognosticator, actually. Charlie Cook is arguing in his latest column that the President must be hoping that one or more of the following things happen:

  1. Unemployment goes down;
  2. We not lose the war in Afghanistan; and/or
  3. THAT WOMAN gets the Presidential nomination.

…if the President wants to be reelected. First off: amazing what two years of institutionalized blithering incompetence will do to a man’s public perception, isn’t it? Seriously, Barack Obama should have taken four years off to go be Governor of Illinois, or something: because he’s got pretty much none of the life skills that we expect from chief executives these days. Second: let’s look at Charlie’s points, more or less out of order.

Continue reading Cook gets two out of three right.


I think that this headline (NSFW) would work for any paper for any country in the world.  It’s practically the ur-newspaper political headline, in fact.  I envy Ireland its ability to present it in all of its stark, stripped-down beauty.

In other words, I liked it.

#rsrh Reason #22237 to ignore soccer.

The people who run it worldwide apparently think that a halfway-back-to-the-czars autocracy and  a desert inferno that reaches 120 degrees are wizzo places to have a World Cup. So… despite the best efforts of the Attorney General* (…huh?), Russia gets to host the World Cup in 2018 and Qatar gets it in 2022.

Aw, shucks.

On the bright side, Planet Gore notes that this is going to make Mother Gaia cry from all the air conditioning being used.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Reason #22237 to ignore soccer.

Look, they *clearly* needed the work.

Besides, it’s Norway, Allahpundit. The aesthetics are different there.  I mean, I’m not going to call this high art or anything, but “the most devastatingly campy weapon yet devised by man?” That’s absurd… and why is that absurd?


Or William Shatner*.

I rest my case.

Moe Lane

*TJ Hooker was an 80s show.