Fine. Since I apparently need to have…

…one of these Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows in order to play Assassin’s Creed 2, I’ve added it to the Wish List.

I hope that you’re all happy now.
Moe Lane
PS: Seriously, though: what am I supposed to do with the blessed thing?  I don’t play that many shooters and I don’t expect that I’ll be playing Assassin’s Creed 2 again after I complete it, assuming that I do.  I don’t know if there is any point to playing it again, in fact.

#rsrh QotD, Greenwald’s Guts for Garters Edition.

Via @bdomenech, from Wired’s acid-dipped and lovingly-sharpened evisceration of Glenn Greenwald over Greenwald’s rather sad attacks on Wired over the Bradley Manning story:

…while we welcome the honest views of other journalists acting in good faith, we now doubt this describes Glenn Greenwald.

To which I reply: “Doubt?” Some people need to get out more.

[Link fixed.]

#rsrh Religious fanatics attacking job creation!

Of course, the religious fanatics are Greenies having heart palpatations over the thought of somebody actually daring to want to dig uranium – URANIUM! URANIUM! URANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUM!!!!! – out of the ground – and the job creation is for the aforementioned uranium digging.  Those silly, silly non-Greenies.  Don’t they understand that their natural destiny is to get service-sector jobs?

Via Glenn Reynolds.  Who is about as respectful of these people’s motivations as I am; which is to say, not at all.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I know that mining can be messy.  Is this not why we have an EPA (created by a conservative President, you know) in the first place?  Besides, it’s not like we’re Commies, or anything.

No, let’s just break Obamacare.

(H/T: Hot Air) I like Charles Krauthammer, and he’s a smart guy. And I even see his point about how destroying Obamacare before it gets off of the ground will give the Democrats a talking point/excuse/whine about how the program was never given a chance.  So I can see the strength of his argument that letting Obamacare play out would pay dividends.

ButContinue reading No, let’s just break Obamacare.

#rsrh You know, when GIULIANI was Mayor…

the trains ran on time:

Two days after slamming the tri-state, millions of people affected by a post-Christmas blizzard continue to dig out from a storm that shut down area airports, crippled commuter train and subway service and stranded thousands traveling during the holiday weekend.

The sixth largest snowstorm in the history of New York City dumped two feet of snow and left many, especially those living in the outer boroughs and small suburban side streets, feeling trapped or ignored as city resources went to dig out Manhattan.

“I’m furious at Mayor Bloomberg, he’s a rich man, so he doesn’t care about the little people,” said New Enrico’s Car Service livery driver Julio Carpio, speaking in Spanish. “I have to work, why aren’t people out there plowing? Why does the mayor always go on TV the night before to say, ‘We’re all set with a fleet of salt trucks,’? and then you never see a single truck. They always abandon Queens.”

That’s because Queens doesn’t have anything that interests Bloomberg.  If he could be just mayor of Manhattan he would be, and be quite cheerful about it, too.  Rudy, on the other hand… now there was a guy who could appreciate Brooklyn.  Hell, I even think that he kind of liked Staten Island, and that takes skill.

Moe Lane

(H/T Instapundit.)

MSNBC joins the Birther conspiracy.

God, I hate this Birther conspiracy theory crap – and don’t bother, Sparky; I screen first-time comments – but watching the talking head designated as “Chris Matthews” call for Obama’s birth certificate to be released is the funniest thing that I’ve seen all day.

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Continue reading MSNBC joins the Birther conspiracy.

My quick review of the Kindle.

Glenn Reynolds mentioned that the latest Kindle is selling like gangbusters.  Having gotten one as a Christmas present, I thought that I’d give it a bit of a review.

I’ve got the one without 3G web access, so I can’t really speak about that; but it’s a darn convenient book reader.  This Kindle is easier to read than I thought that it was going to be, holds a battery charge for a long time, doesn’t have problems with sunlight that I’ve noticed, and is easy to carry around.  So far, I’ve been using it to pick up various collections of pulp and Golden Age SF/fantasy books on the cheap: mostly books that I’ve read before, but either don’t have anymore, or don’t quite know where they are at the moment.  It’s easier to read while doing something else than a regular book is; no pages to randomly turn on their own.  Also: as a bathroom reader it’s pretty much ideal.

Lastly, speaking as someone who is left-handed I very much appreciate that they set up the page-turning buttons the way that they did (top button on either side: backward; bottom button on either side: forward).  That went a long way towards making the thing intuitive for me.

Bottom line?  If you’ve got the cash for one this is a pretty sweet gadget; I imagine that I’m going to wish that I had the unlimited Internet access, so you should probably fork over extra for that.  I expect that this will become a standard travel accessory for me.

Carole Shea-Porter… BROUGHT DOWN BY THE PRC?

That’s the implication, at least: Ms. Shea-Porter is going around telling people that the reason that she lost was because of all that dirty, dirty (and apparently foreign) special interest money.  The quote: “They’re in the halls of Congress everywhere, and it means, for example, that you sit on a committee and you say something about concern about Chinese influence or something, you don’t even know if in the next election, somehow or another, they manage to send some money to some group that now doesn’t even have to say where they got it.*”

Let us leave aside for the moment the minor detail of why the PRC would want to topple a fellow-leftist: has the woman no understanding of campaign disclosure rules?  It’s not as if the money’s being delivered in paper sacks: we are actually able to know who contributed to various campaigns.  For example – and to use her own election race as an example – incoming Congressman Frank Guinta raised a total of 1.53 million this cycle, 21% of which was via PACs (and none of it from, say, the US Chamber of Commerce’s PAC).  Ms. Shea-Porter?  1.64 million, 30% via PAC money. Business/ideological in Guinta’s case, labor/ideological in Shea-Porter’s: all perfectly obvious,  and all reasonably transparent.

What’s actually bugging Shea-Porter, of course, is that the aforementioned US Chamber of Commerce happened to allocate 149K worth of negative campaign ads against her in the last two weeks of the race; probably not all that necessary (her polling was terrible), but it certainly didn’t help the incumbent much.  It nonetheless does give a crumb of rationalization to any progressives out there not yet ready to face objective reality; which is why the soon-to-be-former Representative is implying as overtly as she dares that her election losses were all the fault of the Godless Chinese Hordes. It’s a more appealing narrative to the left than the truth, which is that being an open progressive in the wild is an excellent way to lose one’s election by double digits. Continue reading Carole Shea-Porter… BROUGHT DOWN BY THE PRC?