#rsrh Girding thy loins.

I mostly plan to take it easy today, but this Politico article is too amusing to pass up.  The author is just a little too surprised to discover that when conservatives said that they were planning to start the new Congress with the political equivalent of gunkata, at least some of them meant it.  As usual, Politico is banging the ‘centrist’ and ‘bipartisan’ drum in response… I hate to break it to the Left, but we over here noticed a while back that this is the usual gambit we hear when Democrats are losing (when they’re winning, of course, we’re all extremists over here on the Right).  Honestly, these guys need to update their rhetoric.

Best was this, written with no appreciable irony:

Liberals are gearing up, too, ready to defend Obama when he takes up their causes and to treat him as a traitor when he embraces Republicans.

Works for me.  I always like to hear it when the Other Side trumpets their lack of any sense of basic loyalty.  Seriously, this is incredibly counterproductive: if you don’t believe me, go watch again the gunkata video linked above.  Notice how the bad guys keep fighting the good guy one at a time?  And notice how they all swiftly die, one at a time?  Three minions stepping back and delivering overlapping fields of fire would have made Equilibrium a very short movie…

Moe Lane

#rsrh Mickey Kaus half-retreats into a happy world…

…where the Democratic party takes the hint from the recent bipartisan defeat of the DREAM Act and does something sensible, like abandon the professional activists who largely make their living from inflaming racial/cultural bigotry among Latinos. Unfortunately, the program that Mickey suggests is… well, it’s pretty much the Republican program, so you know that it’s both sensible, and exceedingly unlikely to be adopted by the Other Side.  This is the way it is.

In some ways, I’m sympathetic: I was a Democrat once, too – so I know what it’s like to not want to face that the party that you grew up in is sick, and isn’t going to be getting any better.  In other ways, I’m not sympathetic: sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on.  Mickey hasn’t reached that point yet.

He should get on with it, then.

Moe Lane

PS: Via Instapundit.

Happy Holidays! Also: Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnns.

Yeah, like I wasn’t going to post this.

Moe Lane

PS: Two things that keep this from being completely and totally awesome: the narrators are vamping just a bit too much and the mocking tone needs to… well, go away. You absolutely have to deadpan parodies like these; after all, the films that they’re mocking took themselves absolutely seriously, which is why people want to mock them in the first place.  Obvious sarcasm detracts from the result, ever-so-slightly.