Tim Pawlenty’s new, entertaining, campaign ad.

(H/T: @jaketapper) Tim Pawlenty’s got a new campaign ad out (“A New Direction“) in response to the President’s formal announcement that he’s running again; and it features… Paul Krugman.  Paul Krugman, criticizing Washington for giving up on jobs.

I don’t care who you are: that’s just funny, right there.  If you’ve lost Paul Krugman…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Tim Pawlenty’s site is here.

PPS: Also: “How can America win the future if we’re losing the present?”  I may not know who the nominee is going to be – but that’s going to be the question of the campaign, right there.

This ad about Wisconsin Democrat Joanne Kloppenburg scares the Left.

I’m repeating myself, but the Left keeps trying to push back on this ad highlighting Wisconsin Democrat (and candidate for Supreme Court Justice) Joanne Kloppenburg’s utter lack of compassion for abuse survivors:

…so pass it along.  Make sure that the Wisconsin voter in your life watches it.  The vote is tomorrow; the incumbent is David Prosser; and his site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

The Circle of Corn-based Ethanol.

It’s quite fun, for given values of “fun:”

You have to realize, of course, that darn few DC bureaucrats actually drive anywhere.  And the ones that do rarely pump their own gas.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh The Wisconsin protests continue to self-marginalize…

…don’t get me wrong: I’m all about the zombies.  All about the zombies.  But when you start doing zombie political marches; well, let me put it this way.  That soft, choking whimper that you just heard?  Yeah, that’s what credibility sounds like when it dies.

Of course, note the really important noun there: “hundreds.”  And note who ends up going through considerable amounts of verbal gyrations to avoid having to deal with said noun…