#rsrh I just have one thing to add to Chimichanga-gate.

Babalu raises some excellent points about Anglo liberal hypocrisy (and, for that matter, Latino liberal hypocrisy) in the way that they’re praising language from an Anglo liberal that would have them up in arms if it had come from a conservative one.  But I’d like to note something that Dana Millbank very carefully did not, when attacking Republican relationship towards Latinos: oddly enough, this supposedly hostile attitude does not seem to extend to the former not electing select members of the latter in statewide races.

Seriously, if you’re an ambitious Latino-American with an interest in politics, consider your practical options.  The Democratic party has a model, which is much the same as the model that they have for African-American politicians: create racially gerrymandered seats in the various legislatures, find a suitably pliant candidate that will vote properly for twenty, thirty years… and that’s pretty much where it ends.  The Republican party has a model, too: elect as conservative a candidate as possible in district and state-wide races, and never mind hist/her skin color or ethnicity*.  I have to say, there seems to be more upward mobility in the latter party for the man or woman of talents…

(H/T Instapundit)

Moe Lane

*And we do that, too.  Ask yourself how well a Democratic Marco Rubio would have done if he had dared challenge a then-popular Anglo Democratic governor for the Senate primary. Spoiler: badly.

#rsrh OK, I admit it: I’m probably guilty…

…of being one of the second types.  After all, I routinely refer to myself as a partisan hack, largely because being honest about it kind of gives me a weird amount of power, in an odd counter-intuitive sort of way.  Or maybe it’s because I’m apparently one of the stalwarts of what Jim Geraghty’s calling “A Golden Age for the Conservative Message.”  I don’t know which prospect is more subtly frightening.

Ach, well, as long as we’re scaring our enemies more.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey!  You can’t spell ‘punditry’ without ‘dirty pun!’  I’m not sure what the significance is of that, but surely there is some, somewhere.

#rsrh RS at CPAC: Question and answer with Allen West.

I forget why I needed to know about Syria at the time; it was getting blurry at the end.  And I didn’t exactly enjoy myself at CPAC this year.  Up at 5 AM to take a train in and be ready for the 9 AM festivities, then spend the day trying to arrange five minute sessions for interviews with candidates and politicians; I didn’t eat enough, I certainly didn’t drink enough, and I was pretty much wiped by 5 PM.  As in, there were a couple of times that I dozed off in my chair.

Well.  Mustn’t grumble.

…Whoa! Almost forgot to wish people a happy Valentine’s Day!

What did we do?

I went out and took the older kid to the post office, came back, then spent half an hour standing in line to pick up our delicious Italian take out dinner; my wife bathed the younger kid so that I wouldn’t have to.


You’ll understand when you’re married and have kids.

The Great New York Redistricting Headache.

So, we’re having ourselves a situation in New York with redistricting.  The basics: New York, like many blue states that have been blue states for a while, has seen its population ratio to the rest of the country drop sufficiently that it’s losing two Congressional Districts this cycle.  So they’re all trying to figure out how to redraw the map for an optimal destroy-your-enemies approach:

  • New York Democrats want to mess over New York Republicans.  The New York GOP is defending several federal Congressional seats (six of the seven GOP-held seats are effectively freshmen) and its Senate majority; and New York Democrats are eager to try to winnow those numbers down.  If they can figure out how to do it without eliminating a downstate district.  Or two, frankly.
  • New York Republicans, on the other hand, are digging in their heels until they get at least their state Senate majority preserved (note that there is precious little loyalty, on either side, between the state and national parties).
  • And then there’s Governor Andrew Cuomo.  He’s a Democrat… which means that he’s usually at war slightly more often with the Republican-controlled Senate than he is with the Democratic-controlled Assembly.  He’s also currently stuck with a veto threat that, if not followed, will hurt his chances for later higher office.  But if Cuomo does veto whatever devil’s bargain the New York legislature comes up with, then… Bad Things Happen.

Continue reading The Great New York Redistricting Headache.

The New “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Trailer.

Via Allahpundit.



And before you say that it’s going to suck, consider this: Tim Burton produced.  This will not necessarily keep it from sucking, but at least you’ll know going in that it won’t be because the people making it just didn’t give a tinker’s dam.

#rsrh So, about this Santorum abortion thing.

Ace of Spades HQ provides the link (essentially, back in 1990 Rick Santorum was busy trimming his stance on life to fit into the PA-18 district race*); I provide the sad shaking of the head.  Gotta love that primary vetting process, huh?

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh So, about this Santorum abortion thing.