Need a good miniatures-painting reference…

…It’s funny, really: I never did the whole miniatures-painting thing when I was younger (my wife did, though*).  But as it turns out that I have a bunch of unpainted OGRE minis, and since I’m going to have Fifteen Pounds of OGRE later in the year, it behooves me to start painting this stuff up now.

So, what’s a good online resource for that sort of thing?

Moe Lane

*She kept all of her equipment, too.  Fortunately.  🙂

#rsrh Artur Davis hearing the siren call of the Dark Side…

weeeee haveeeee coooookieeesssss

While I’ve gone to great lengths to keep this website a forum for ideas, and not a personal forum, I should say something about the various stories regarding my political future in Virginia, the state that has been my primary home since late December 2010. The short of it is this: I don’t know and am nowhere near deciding.  If I were to run, it would be as a Republican. And I am in the process of changing my voter registration from Alabama to Virginia, a development which likely does represent a closing of one chapter and perhaps the opening of another.

As to the horse-race question that animated parts of the blogosphere, it is true that people whose judgment I value have asked me to weigh the prospect of running in one of the Northern Virginia congressional districts in 2014 or 2016, or alternatively, for a seat in the Virginia legislature in 2015. If that sounds imprecise, it’s a function of how uncertain political opportunities can be—and if that sounds expedient, never lose sight of the fact that politics is not wishfulness, it’s the execution of a long, draining process to win votes and help and relationships while your adversaries are working just as hard to tear down the ground you build.

Continue reading #rsrh Artur Davis hearing the siren call of the Dark Side…

#rsrh Louisiana unions’ gubernatorial recall petition has a target number of 56.

Background: unions in Louisiana – apparently untroubled by the fact that the Democratic party of that state decided to drink hemlock in the 2011 governor’s race – have launched a recall petition against Bobby Jindal!  Ooh, scary!  On the other hand, as the title notes the unions have a pretty achiveable target number to hit: 56.  That number would be one more than the (reported*) signatures on the last Jindal recall petition.

Via @DLoesch.  I understand that a lot of people are tired of this nonsense because of the way that the Democrats keep wasting taxpayer money in Wisconsin with these recalls, and rightfully so; but this is merely the unions wasting time that could have been spent in digging the Democrats out of their current bayou hole.  …Swamp?  Pond?  The metaphor doesn’t really work; sorry.

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Louisiana unions’ gubernatorial recall petition has a target number of 56.

#rsrh Anne Torres throws herself on the sword assigned to Cory Booker.

This disappoints me.

According to the website PolitickerNJ, Anne Torres, communications director for Newark, N.J. Mayor Cory Booker, is resigning amid a conflict following his highly publicized appearance on Meet The Press last week.

Command takes responsibility.  I expect better from Mayor Booker; it would be a pity if I have to change the tense of that verb.

#rsrh My personal recommendations for the TX Primaries.

The primary is today in Texas, and as the title says: I have some suggestions for you.  I’m putting them here because although I do not expect that RedState would particularly object to the first two, I am in point of fact making a recommendation in a Democratic primary, and RS has a policy of not helping out liberal Democrats unless we really, really need to.

Anyway: Continue reading #rsrh My personal recommendations for the TX Primaries.

Obama’s Election 2012 dilemma: the DOOM that came from suburbia?

Right now, somebody in the DNC’s HQ is likely sitting in a room somewhere getting morosely drunk, and it’s because of articles like Michael Barone‘s. You see, Michael sat down and looked at the various reactions to Barack Obama’s possibly ill-advised (and certainly ill-executed) Bain Capital-themed line of attack on Mitt Romney, and concluded: it’s likely to provoke a backlash among affluent voters (particularly those in suburbia). And the reason why people should care about that is because 2008 exit polling showed that voters from households making more than $100 grand a year made up a quarter of the electorate, and that they split their vote down the middle between Obama and McCain.

And how are they voting now? Michael sees some interesting trends: Continue reading Obama’s Election 2012 dilemma: the DOOM that came from suburbia?

#rsrh “Stumbling out of the gate.”

It must be physically painful sometimes to be a NYT columnist: you have to apparently hold in so many things.  Case in point: Chris Wallace asked Jeff Zeleny whether President Obama’s re-election campaign “stumbled out of the gate” (spoiler warning: YES, they did).  Here is Zeleny’s response:


Continue reading #rsrh “Stumbling out of the gate.”