#rsrh Gallup & The Hill bury the lede on Romney/Obama veteran poll.

They both go with “Veterans Give Romney Big Lead Over Obama.”  Well… yes.  This is not particularly surprising.  Mitt Romney is what we call “the Re-pub-li-can nom-in-ee.”  Barack Obama is “a lib-er-al Dem-o-crat.”  That military veterans default to preferring the former over the latter is a ‘revelation’ roughly equivalent about the one about water tending to flow downhill.  Admittedly, 28 points is a fairly large deal, but this is a difference in degree, not in kind.

No, what they should have used for the title was “Romney & Obama tied in April, May.” Continue reading #rsrh Gallup & The Hill bury the lede on Romney/Obama veteran poll.

You know that Internet thing…

…where you’re about to make fun of something, decide to check it out first because you’ve never really listened to / watched / ate / tried it, and then discover that it actually isn’t as bad as everybody says?  That it, in fact, is kind of cool?

Yeah.  That doesn’t happen when it’s Engelbert Humperdinck.  It’s not that he’s really awful, it’s just that he’s… Engelbert Humperdinck.

Moe Lane

Continue reading You know that Internet thing…

Barack Obama and The Hypocrisy of Choom.

Alternative title: Obama’s Betrayal Of The Choomers.

Let me just lay this out for you.

Continue reading Barack Obama and The Hypocrisy of Choom.

#rsrh I thank the Washington Press Corps on behalf of the GOP.

Your prostrate willingness to let President Obama set the precedent that the White House no longer has to wait for you to get your [expletive deleted] together before the President goes anywhere is appreciated.  It will be appreciated even more starting about, oh, I don’t know: late January 2013 or so.

And trust me: we’re going to point this out.  A lot.  As well as every other lapdog action engaged in by the media during the Interregnum… Continue reading #rsrh I thank the Washington Press Corps on behalf of the GOP.

#rsrh, Tell us what you REALLY think, Alan.

I feel comfortable enough admitting this: former Republican Senator Alan Simpson has his moments.

Simpson also lambasted seniors’ groups for staying silent during the fight over the payroll tax holiday, at the same time as they encouraged their members to attack him.

“I didn’t hear a peep out of your organization either – except when I got a whole ration of mail from your people — they said they were ‘urged’ — obviously stimulated by you (thinking I was still in the Senate) and several of your fine stalwart membership then referred to me as a ‘Natzi pig f—er,’” he wrote.

I’m guessing that he may even have spelled that particular word out.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air Headlines.