#rsrh QotD, They’re Not Even Changing The Drapes edition.

From this almost-hiding-their-panic Politico article cataloging the big losers last night in the WI recall elections (spoiler warning: probably nobody that you’d particularly care about):

A Republican National Committee official confirmed the two dozen Walker campaign offices would immediately be converted into Romney working space as soon as later this week.

Hey, Wisconsin progressives?  Thanks for giving us the ability to set up Mitt Romney‘s* 2012 Wisconsin campaign infrastructure and have it going at full guns right away, and essentially for free!  Much obliged.

Moe Lane

*By the way, I should take this opportunity to note something to the Activist Left: if all y’all didn’t want conservatives to start enthusiastically lining up behind Mitt Romney, then all y’all should have kept your mouths shut and not attacked Mitt Romney’s wife.  Because that sh*t’s not right.

#rsrh The general meaning of last night’s Wisconsin recall results.

I am not really that into making a long, involved production out of this post – life goes on, and I have a full day scheduled – so just let me cut to the chase.  If progressives and liberals want to be effective activists, then they need to stop telling themselves that they are the vanguard of a populist movement and start becoming one.  Which they will not wish to do, because it’s a simple truth that the basic principles of progressive and liberal thought are not really a comfortable fit with the mindset and philosophies that this country generally defines as being ‘populist.’

This would bother me, except that it doesn’t.

#rsrh #DoYouRecall ? – The new video from America Future Fund.

They don’t tell you this in the dojo or the salle d’arms, but out on the streets, there’s a rule*: the fight starts when the other guy’s on the ground.  The American Future Fund apparently lives by that principle when it comes to grinding the Left’s face into their own intemperate, arrogant rhetoric:

…Which is quite sensible of them.  And if you don’t like that attitude, well, let me offer the standard American response to such complaints.  Which is to say: a shrug and a calm Well, we didn’t start this war.

Moe Lane

*Or so I’ve been told.  I wonder if my presumption is offending a progressive lurker right now?  That would be a shame.

Fast Eddie Rendell lays down markers for consideration by a Romney administration.

Business is business.



Continue reading Fast Eddie Rendell lays down markers for consideration by a Romney administration.

#rsrh QotD, Mayor Bloomberg Deserves* A Higher Dry Cleaning Bill edition.

Glenn Reynolds, on that fool Mayor Mike Bloomberg – and every fool that supports Bloomberg’s crazy crusade to regulate what people eat, drink, smoke, and generally do.

Let me be clear. These people are not well-meaning do-gooders who have just gone a bit too far. They don’t actually “mean well” at all. They don’t mean well, they mean to be in control. They are power-fetishists, drunk on the joys of bossing the little people around. They are not good people. They are evil. They should be ashamed of themselves, but shame — like taxes — is for the little people.

Damn straight.

Moe Lane

*Note the verb.  I am not saying that Mayor Bloomberg needs a higher dry cleaning bill; merely that Bloomberg having to keep bringing in his suits because people keep glitter-bombing buckets of cherry cola on him might be a somewhat apropos karmic backlash.  Far be it from me to incite acts of civil disobedience, though…

#rsrh Has the Communist Party of China lost the Mandate of Heaven?

Yes, I’m only asking this to f*ck with the ChiComs.

China’s censors blocked access to the term “Shanghai stock market” on popular microblogs on Monday after the index fell a bizarre 64.89 points on the anniversary of the bloody June 4, 1989, crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square.

In another twist, the Shanghai Composite Index opened at 2346.98 points on the 23rd anniversary of the killings. The numbers 46.98 are June 4, 1989, backwards.

Now ask me why I should care if the ChiComs get upset about me f*cking with them.

Moe Lane

#rsrh David Axelrod has been promoted to his level of incompetence.

In today’s (06/05/2012) Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty concludes with this:

. . . Examining the stumbles, gaffes, mistakes, high costs, and lousy performance of the president’s reelection campaign, Jen Rubin contemplated the unthinkable: “Why hasn’t President Obama fired David Axelrod?”

Probably because Axelrod has been there since the beginning — Obama consulted Axelrod on his anti-war speech in 2002 — and he’s has been Obama’s right-hand man/sounding board/fixer from his first ambitious thoughts of running for Senate. What would Obama do without the guy who he’s been able to turn to from Day One? If anyone has job security around here, it’s David Axelrod.

Continue reading #rsrh David Axelrod has been promoted to his level of incompetence.

#rsrh #wirecall The Blame Game begins.

Via @cayankee comes this heartwarming example of one of Dizzy City’s favorite games: Whose Fault Is It, Anyway?  – And the common answer from Democrats is, of course, Everybody’s – except ME.  It’s pretty funny, really: failure might be an orphan, but there’s a lot of people out there prepared to assign paternity to it anyway.

There’s a lot of unintentional entertainment in the article, in fact.  I particularly enjoyed reading the bit where supposedly the WI Senate is about to flip back to the Democrats: as somebody in the Hill article’s comments section helpfully pointed out, even if that does happen (it’s possible) the state Senate is not going to be back in session this legislative season, and there’s another election between now and then.  One using new maps… designed by the current GOP majority.  Don’t expect that to be mentioned tomorrow if that one seat flips…