#rsrh Clearly somebody at the Democratic convention reads RedState.

They took our mocking to heart about Democratic idiocy re Timothy Cardinal Dolan, and rushed to repair relations with the Church:

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, has accepted an invitation to deliver the closing prayer at next week’s Democratic National Convention. As was previously announced, he will also be offering the closing prayer at the Republican Convention on Thursday of this week.

It was made clear to the Democratic Convention organizers, as it was to the Republicans, that the Cardinal was coming solely as a pastor, only to pray, not to endorse any party, platform, or candidate. The Cardinal consulted Bishop Peter Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte, who gave the Cardinal his consent to take part in the convention that will be taking place in his diocese.

Continue reading #rsrh Clearly somebody at the Democratic convention reads RedState.

#rsrh What hath Obama’s burn rate wrought?

While I give Mark Halperin points for at least not pretending he wrote this article in May about how Obama for America was (insanely) complacent about winning the election, this followup is still a little… Well.  It’s certainly something:

After I wrote my piece in May, some conservative writers suggested I was being hopelessly naive, bluffed by a blustering White House with little chance of victory and blind to the realities around it. Perhaps that is true, although I’ve known many of my sources, on both sides, for years. Their dueling hypotheses these past three months have not wavered: the Romney folks have made a solid case of why they will win, but the Obama people don’t seem to believe they can lose.

Being one of those conservative writers – I didn’t say “hopelessly naive,” but I’ll cop to it – I’ll agree that this is what both sides in the election think.  I just don’t understand why Mark Halperin isn’t laughing in Obama for America’s collective face.  And here’s why: Continue reading #rsrh What hath Obama’s burn rate wrought?

CT-SEN race looking better and better for Linda McMahon (R CAND).

What in blazes is going on in Connecticut? Quinnipac polled the McMahon/Murphy CT-SEN race, and it found the same results for that race as did Rasmussen: 49/46 for the GOP candidate.  The Q-poll is also showing Obama over Romney… by seven points, which as Hot Air notes is actually awful news for the President; he should be up by double digits there.  All in all: this is not yet an upset situation… but it is becoming a bit evocative of the Johnson/Feingold WI-SEN race in 2010.

Or it could just be another state moving away from the Red State / Blue State metaphor that we’ve all been using since the 2000 election.  It’s easy to forget that as recently as 2006 Connecticut was a state which voted Democratic in Presidential elections, but was more than happy to elect Republicans to other offices; in that year Republicans held the governorship, and the majority of the state’s Congressional Districts.  Admittedly, most of those Republicans were what has been diplomatically called Northeastern Republicans, which is a term of art that covers a good amount of intra-party awkwardness; but a seat is a seat*, and rebuilding the GOP in New England will pay dividends down the line. Continue reading CT-SEN race looking better and better for Linda McMahon (R CAND).

#rsrh QotD, Self-Identifying Leftist Racists! edition.

James Taranto, on why certain members of the Left keeps pointing at various non-racist statements and calling them secretly racist; and why certain members of the Right keeps snickering at the Left’s unintended self-revelation:

The thing we adore about these dog-whistle[*] kerfuffles is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog.

And not a wild dog, either. Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Self-Identifying Leftist Racists! edition.

#rsrh New Madison, WI police chief: party’s over, hippies.

I am paraphrasing.

The Wisconsin Capitol’s new police chief said Monday that he plans to crack down on protesters who don’t follow the building’s rules because he wants to restore a sense of normalcy and safety to the statehouse.

Chief David Erwin told The Associated Press in an interview that he respects people’s right to petition their government, but that he believes some protesters’ behavior has crossed into intimidation.

Apparently there are STILL a remnant of the most brainwashed progressives showing up every day to scream at legislators; Capitol Police have finally gotten the state Attorney General to agree to process civil citations (the county DA is a Democrat, and thus apparently disinterested in civic* hygiene).  They’re also going to make people get permits.  Expect protests; just don’t expect anybody in the media to bother covering them.  After all, these people are Democrats who failed; it doesn‘t get any more disavowed than that.

Moe Lane

(Via @kevinbinversie)

*Never having attended a Madison protest, I cannot state with any authority about whether it was a matter of public hygiene as well.  Although certainly some of those people appeared to have been non-initiates in the mysteries of soap…

Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN) staffer attacks, threatens cameraman.

How does Senator Scott Brown keep managing this?  ‘This’ being defined as “An aide to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, appears to have knocked the video camera of a Republican tracker after an event this weekend in Martha’s Vineyard.”

Continue reading Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN) staffer attacks, threatens cameraman.

#rsrh QotD, Bidenmentum* edition.

All right, I admit it: I briefly stopped reading this TNR piece (H/T: Hot Air Headlines) in order to quote from it, because the excerpt was just too good to pass up.

TYPICALLY AT this point on the political calendar, a sitting vice president scrupulously downplays his interest in ascending to the top job. The thought of course consumes him, but actually discussing it strikes him as breathtakingly gauche. Vice presidents as varied as Walter Mondale, George H.W. Bush, and Al Gore all gamely hewed to this script.

And then there is Joe Biden.

…Yes. Yes, there is. Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Bidenmentum* edition.