#rsrh The Ads Wrote Themselves Watch: “It Ain’t Right.”



Why, it’s almost like Barack Obama is a hapless, clueless, old-style politician who has never quite grasped that it’s never been easier to highlight and show a politician’s hypocrisy! – Because, seriously: it never has been easier.  For all of Obama for America’s vaunted social media expertise, they were and are remarkably pedestrian when it comes to exploiting the medium… and they’re downright clumsy when it comes to defending against social media attacks, or counter-attacks.  Then again, Obama’s interest in New Media was always about the fundraising.

Oh, wait, right: they’re getting their rears kicked there, too.

RIP, Neil Armstrong.

For those few people who do not know, Neil Armstrong was the first person on the moon*: a procedure that involved putting him and two other men in a metal can, putting the can on top of a mound of explosives, then setting off the mound.  That got them on their way: the can landed (a couple of hundred thousand miles later) via the setting off of more explosives – after, oh yeah, breaking in half.  Deliberately.  One on the ground – the airless, boiling hot/freezing cold ground, since space is one of those places where a single mistake can kill you** – Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked around for a bit, put up the flag, and were generally “Hey. The moon.”  Then they went back up on yet another mound of explosives, met up again with Michael Collins, and went home. In short: not exactly a job for the timid.

And why did we do it? Because we’re the United States of America, and we damn well felt like it.

Moe Lane Continue reading RIP, Neil Armstrong.

Image of @barackobama’s semi-literate aerial banner attack (now COPY-EDITED for clarity).

First, the picture:

…hold on, let me FIFY.

There. Done.  Thanks, Obama for America!

@BarackObama’s faked, yet ungrammatical (even low-rent) Birther outrage.

See, this is why you need something MORE than a spell-checker for this stuff.

And people all over the country said “…Wait. What?”

Continue reading @BarackObama’s faked, yet ungrammatical (even low-rent) Birther outrage.

MA-SEN: Sen. Scott Brown’s lead confirmed?

Apparently, there are people who are shocked by this:

According to a Kimball Political Consulting survey of registered voters in Massachusetts, Senator Scott Brown has a 6 point lead over Democrat Elizabeth Warren (49 percent to 43 percent) with 9 percent undecided. The figure is just within the survey’s 4 percent margin of error.

President Obama continues to hold a double digit lead over former Massachusetts Mitt Romney (52 percent to 41 percent) with 7 percent undecided. Poll results are based on a sample of respondents most likely to vote in November.

Continue reading MA-SEN: Sen. Scott Brown’s lead confirmed?