“I want to be a crony!”

Normally, I raise an eyebrow at stuff that might be a little too ‘cute’, but this video* from Crony Chronicles isn’t cute; it’s hysterical.

And my use of the word ‘hysterical’ does, in point of fact, incorporate the thought that it’s downright maddening that we’re subtly teaching our kids to think of the government in terms of being the first response to a problem, instead of the last one.  Which is really the issue: after all, nobody would be too bothered at the thought of a kid wanting to growing up to be a government crony if only it weren’t a career path with a steadily-increasing ability to ruin everybody else’s day…

Moe Lane (crosspost)
Continue reading “I want to be a crony!”

#rsrh Virginia Democrats voted to shield pedophiles. #truthteam

You want to play games, Democrats? You want to be able to tar as many Republicans with your brushes as you can? …OK, fine, if that’s how it’s going to be.  We can play a game.  Hey, here’s a fun one: it’s called “Let’s talk about the Democrats who fought to protect people who rape kids.”

In March, the Virginia state legislature overwhelmingly passed a law that imposed automatic life sentences for any adult convicted of raping a child under the age of 13. The issue received scant attention and even less debate, according to Delegate Rob Bell (R.,Charlottesville), the bill’s sponsor.

“More than half of all rapes in Virginia are to children under 13,” he said. “In the past two years we had 228 offenders, only 10 got life sentences. They were appallingly short.”

Twenty-one state senators and delegates, all Democrats, voted nay on the bill, including a handful of prominent Obama supporters.

Bless their hearts. Continue reading #rsrh Virginia Democrats voted to shield pedophiles. #truthteam

“Keep your mouth shut.” Easiest thing in the world to advise…

…hardest thing in the world to actually do.  But the older I get, the more it becomes obvious that knowing when not to talk about stuff is a damned useful life skill.  Still, it’s like there’s some sort of evolutionary advantage to being a blabbermouth or something, given the number of folks out there who succumb…

Hot Air & the WSJ need to back off on this Tootsie Roll thing.

Secretive company with mysterious, yet profitable operations? An almost militant indifference to developing good publicity?  Closed-off facilities?  Sorry, but this whole story SCREAMS “government-controlled front for Black Ops” to me.  They probably have a secret facility deep under Chicago where elite NAFTA agents are trained in the esoteric psionic techniques that are unlocked with a steady supply of carefully-designed bits of chocolate.  That’s why Tootsie Roll acquired all of those other brands: they needed different recipes for different techniques.

…at least, that’s how I’d run it in my campaign.  If I was running a RPG campaign, which I’m currently not.

Trailer for Citizens United’s “The Hope and the Change.”

I’m pointing out this Citizens United trailer for their new movie The Hope and the Change – which will feature a variety of Obama voters from 2008, and presumably why they’ve decided to atone for that particular error in such a public fashion – for three reasons.

Continue reading Trailer for Citizens United’s “The Hope and the Change.”

#rsrh Mitt Romney uses the penultimate insult in English against Barack Obama.

Twitchy to the contrary, it is not the “most awesome insult ever.” “He means well” is the most awesome insult ever. But this is the second most awesome insult ever:

Man, this brightens my whole day.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Trust the NYT magazine to make a mountain out of a macaque.

Background: there’s a macaque monkey loose in Tampa Bay.  It’s been there for years, and generally speaking, the populace is perfectly fine with that.  The government is not, but it has not successfully captured the beast, apparently because it is chasing a super-genius macaque monkey which is also being pretty much aided and abetted by the human citizenry.  This will keep happening until the monkey either flips out and actually attacks people, or it dies of old age.  The end.

But in the hands of the NYT, we get a parable about compromise.  Although, to be fair: you can see where that part was grafted on.  So I blame the editor, not the author.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Trust the NYT magazine to make a mountain out of a macaque.

#rsrh @McCormackJohn has some good advice about Todd Akin.

Advice that I’m going to heed: because while I am a hammer, at least that I know that I am a hammer (and thus think that everything that I see is a nail).  This is why we keep some of the subtle people about, and thank God that we do.  Division of labor, and all that.

Via @bdomenech.