#rsrh Revealing Politics reveals Obama’s misogynistic wage policy!

Ben Howe put this up on the front page over at RS, but it’s my personal opinion that you can never have too many opportunities to link ‘Barack Obama’ and ‘misogynist’ in a Google search.  Especially since, by the Left’s own rules, it’s a perfectly valid accusation.

Link to that 11% wage disparity number here.  Seriously, though, what did you expect? Anybody who watched 2008 the Democratic primary knows that Obama’s organization got into the bad habit of belittling and dismissing women, and the usual failure of leadership has effectively allowed that attitude to infect the executive branch on an institutional level.  Business as usual, in other words… Continue reading #rsrh Revealing Politics reveals Obama’s misogynistic wage policy!

#rsrh Joe Biden To Open His Mouth in Tampa during GOP convention.

Five bucks says Joe Biden shows up at said convention, somehow gets up on the podium, and introduces Tim Scott (R, SC-01) as the President of the United States.  By accident.

See also Hot Air and AoSHQ for more mockery.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Joe Biden To Open His Mouth in Tampa during GOP convention.

Today’s surprisingly challenging photoshop fodder.

I got sent this by a colleague, and he and I agree on the problem that it represents: how do you improve on nature, here?

(Original via @michellemalkin)  Seriously, look at it for a moment.  Everything that I’ve thought of that could be added just seems to end up… detracting from the original, somehow.  The best that I could come up with that was even worth sharing was adding the volleyball from that Tom Hanks movie.  And even that is a stretch.

I’m not saying that it couldn’t be done, but… it’s a heck of an image, as is.

RS Interview: Jeff Semon (R CAND, MA-05 PRI).

Massachusetts is… interesting, this year. Despite being a Democratic stronghold, the MA GOP is putting up a pretty good fight; the NRCC recently talked up three of its House possibilities. I was able to talk with one of them – Jeff Semon, in MA-05 – later on.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you.  This is Ed Markey’s district, and the Democrats are prepared to sacrifice a puppy if that’s what it will take to keep Markey in that seat.  Still, Jeff is stepping up: and hey.  Things happen.

Jeff’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

National Journal can’t sell that anti-anti-Obama dogfood!

Unlike @jeffemanuel, I am not precisely disapproving of the fact that the National Journal felt the obligation to shut down its surprisingly-hostile comments section towards this piece slamming Newsweek for slamming Barack Obama; after all, I am unapologetic about the fact that I am blatantly ‘unfair’ when it comes to my comments section*. And while it’s perfectly within my rights to be a hypocrite – which is an overrated sin in this culture – eh, I don’t feel like it today.

I will, however, join Jeff in showing my scorn.  As the kids say: audience assessment FAIL.

Moe Lane

*I you want to push a partisan agenda that isn’t approved of by me, buy some advertising.  You’ll be wasting your money, but at least you won’t be a freeloader.

#rsrh The New Yorker and the The Obama That They Used To Know.

No, that video will not be reproduced in this post.

It’s impressive, in its way: The New Yorker manages to go an entire article where they portray President Obama as a gormless idiot with no feel for practical politics, an active disdain for business activities, and a fundamental incapacity for hiding his (completely unwarranted) attitude of smug superiority who take the first two things seriously – and yet they never actually sayany of those things.  It’s quite an exhibition of rhetorical skill.  Note that I am assuming that the New Yorker is being tongue in cheek when it repeats such errant nonsense as “He is so private, and so emotionally and intellectually honest;” I mean, surely that magazine is much more sophisticated than the parochial rubes that spout off that kind of delusional tripe?

Via Business Insider.




Jonathan Chait (unintentionally) lays out the case for ending the Hollywood tax cuts.

Is Jonathan Chait not feeling well?  Not so much for writing the below, but for writing the below (as AoSHQ Headlines notes) so baldly.  The topic was the Left’s domination of television/movies; Chait copped pretty much to admitting that the Right’s basic argument is correct, that it also has merit (something that you can’t actually expect the Left to just concede), and ends with:

This capacity to mold the moral premises of large segments of the public, and especially the youngest and most impressionable elements, may or may not be unfair. What it is undoubtedly is a source of cultural (and hence political) power. Liberals like to believe that our strength derives solely from the natural concordance of the people, that we represent what most Americans believe, or would believe if not for the distorting rightward pull of Fox News and the Koch brothers and the rest. Conservatives surely do benefit from these outposts of power, and most would rather indulge their own populist fantasies than admit it. But they do have a point about one thing: We liberals owe not a small measure of our success to the propaganda campaign of a tiny, disproportionately influential cultural elite.

…which, by the way, enjoys a set of tax exemptions, loopholes, shelters, and other market-distorting favors that benefit them far more than the dubious benefits that supposed accrue to us. Now, despite what you may be hearing, we are still going to be in a position to pass laws next year, and when we do pass those laws I think that it’ll be long past time to stop allowing the entertainment industry to evade paying its fair share while taking a partisan political side.  Long past time.  Which means that I explicitly echo Glenn Reynolds in calling for a repeal of the Hollywood tax cuts.

And before you tell me that Hollywood is too big to take on, funny: that’s exactly what people told me about the public sector unions.

Moe Lane (crosspost)