#rsrh This is a… brutal, yes; but not *unfair* juxtaposition of images.

Via Instapundit and Iowahawk:

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: yesterday, I thought that this ‘flag’ deserved nothing more than a zombie joke. But then, I I had not made the connection with the images of our diplomatic staff likely being dragged off to their deaths. Kind of spoils the jest, that.

They need to stop selling that flag.  People should certainly not put it up on their walls.

A free hint for Obama for America: check to see whether your images have offensive subtext.

In this particular case, there’s a problem with your new flag design:

It’s a dead, if you’ll pardon the pun, ringer for the International Zombie Warning* symbol for Unsecured manhole cover: watch out for grab-and-draggers.

No, no need to thank me: I’m a giver. Continue reading A free hint for Obama for America: check to see whether your images have offensive subtext.

#rsrh Chick-fil-A acts in a Christian fashion towards Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno…

and lets him retreat gracefully, while saving face:

Alderman Joe Moreno has relented and said he now will allow Chick-fil-A to open in his Chicago ward. Earlier this summer, Moreno had attempted to block the company after decrying president Dan Cathy’s comments in support of traditional marriage.

According to Moreno, he’s giving in because Chick-fil-A has now released a memo entitled “Chick-fil-A: Who We Are,” which reaffirms that they “will treat every person with honor, dignity, and respect–regardless of their beliefs, race, creed, sexual orientation and gender.” The language in this document almost exactly mirrors a statement Chick-fil-A had placed on its facebook page on July 19, prior to any of Moreno’s actions.

Continue reading #rsrh Chick-fil-A acts in a Christian fashion towards Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno…

#rsrh QotD, Ace of AOSHQ sums it up perfectly.

“It” being the Jim Messina Meme Generator.  If you don’t know what that is, OK, lucky you.  Essentially, OfA campaign manager Jim Messina put up a picture of himself (you can click on the above link to see it) that had people on his own side going That’s not helpful, Jim.  it’s so bad, in fact, that the mockery has already started – only, as Ace put it:

Now, via @bdomenech, a Meme Generator for adding snarky headlines to the Jim Messina Cry for Help.

The only problem is: There’s only one joke here with a couple of dozen variations. We are all thinking exactly the same thing, and what we’re thinking is: One day we will find his cache of Clown Paintings.

Which is why I haven’t really hit this.  I mean, I’ve had horrible pictures taken of me myself.  Admittedly, not this horrible – but still, pretty horrible.  I’m just sorry that there’s nobody in this dude’s life who couldn’t have waved Messina off on this one – I mean, that’s one thing that Significant Others are for.


ARRRRRRRRRGH! How could I missed this, me hearties?

T’day be International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

…Damn, but this holiday isn’t as much fun when unemployment is this high.  It’s so very, very… Bush-era, if you know what I mean? Cheerful, almost indulgent; the kind of thing that you do when there’s margin to spare.  Ain’t seen those conditions in a few years, let me tell you.

Still: swab that deck, buckle that swash, dance that hornpipe. Ay, by the Powers!

Moe Lane

(Link via protected Twitter account)

#rsrh Politico: worried about DOOM in CT-SEN?

Politico ain’t too happy about it – yeah, I’m broken up about that, too – but Linda McMahon seems to be making it a race over in CT-SEN.  I particularly enjoyed this bit from Joe Lieberman:

Even retiring Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said Murphy has a ways to go to catch up with McMahon. Lieberman, who is staying neutral in the race, cited McMahon’s effective campaigning and the state’s independent streak. More than two in five voters is registered as unaffiliated.

“It looks like a closer race than most people would have guessed … She’s smart, capable. And what can I say, but she’s obviously getting her message across better this time. Also, to be fair, Dick Blumenthal was a very formidable candidate,” Lieberman told POLITICO.

Continue reading #rsrh Politico: worried about DOOM in CT-SEN?