Hey, Day Two of Apocalypse #Shutdown is almost done!

How bad has it been for everybody?

…Well, everybody who isn’t within a ten mile radius of the Washington Monument.

…Well, OK, most of those people don’t give a [expletive deleted], either.

Now, this is not me saying Hurr, hurr, federal employees aren’t getting paid, that’s great.  My family was hit by the sequester, and it wasn’t exactly pleasant.  People need to eat, even government employees* – and, seriously, if you can’t show empathy about that then please don’t embarrass me by publicly displaying your lack of empathy here, either. And eventually we’re going to have to turn the lights back on. Continue reading Hey, Day Two of Apocalypse #Shutdown is almost done!

Quote of the Day, How The Next Few #Obamacare Months Will Go edition.

This sounds about right:

Right now the White House is in carrot mode, trying to sell “young invincibles” on the glories of health insurance. But the carrot doesn’t work on everyone: According to Gallup, more than 30 percent of the uninsured were unaware this past week until they were polled that they’re now required by law to buy insurance. As we get closer to December and the need grows more urgent for a big pool of new revenue to cover those with preexisting conditions, the White House is bound to shift from carrot to stick. I’m curious to see how they play that. They’ll hammer the fact that it’s ILLEGAL not to have insurance if you can afford it and that the TAXMAN will make you pay a FINE if you don’t, but they might not emphasize too much that the fine (for this year at least) is the higher of just 95 bucks or one percent of your income. If a thousand Obama speeches on how awesome ObamaCare is can’t create a groundswell of enrollment, maybe strategically vague warnings implying that the IRS might kick down the door will do it.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, How The Next Few #Obamacare Months Will Go edition.

Annnd that is the sound of the California #Obamacare exchange going down in flames.

Via RNC Research comes this oopsie:

That’s a clip on KNTV. Basically, it reports that the California Obamacare exchanges will be taken offline this evening so that Covered California can fix the problem that’s keeping people from… enrolling in the California Obamacare exchanges. Mind you, they’re claiming that the site will be ready again on October 3rd… then again, they also claimed that it’d be ready on October 1st. Several different times, in fact.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: I know that there are some people out there who are outrageously outraged that other people are being so vulgar as to actually hold this administration accountable for the grandiose promises that it’s made.  To which I reply: don’t let your ego write checks that your body can’t cash.

Tweet of the Day, @BarackObama Didn’t Want To See This On CNN edition.


Continue reading Tweet of the Day, @BarackObama Didn’t Want To See This On CNN edition.

RIP, Tom Clancy.

Like everybody else I started up with him after I saw The Hunt for Red October, which is of course an awesome movie.  I was just startled to discover that the books were good, too.  I always thought that they should have done Red Storm Rising as a miniseries; but at this point it’d be alternate history.

Rest in peace.  My condolences to his family and loved ones.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, the books got rather large after a while.  Many authors have that problem, once they get to the point where they can tell an editor ‘No.’  But let us not speak of that.


The Obama administration, summed up in two pictures.

First off, here’s this:

Apparently the White House never read far enough into the First Amendment to get to the bit where people are allowed to peacefully assemble. Which, when you think about it, makes the whole exercise moot; certainly I would point out to the cops that I had every right to be there (and, truth be told, the cops probably think that this whole thing is stupid, too). But the Obama administration is going to secure that area, by gum!

Yeah, about that. Continue reading The Obama administration, summed up in two pictures.

Barack Obama spitefully *chose* to make WWII Memorial inaccessible to veterans.

Every time I look at the WWII Memorial story, it gets worse.

It’s bad that the Obama administration closed down national monuments and museums, because it thinks that attacking DC tourism will give the Democratic party leverage over the Republican party.

It’s bad that the Obama administration tried to keep WWII veterans away from the monument that honors them. It failed, of course, but they shouldn’t have tried.

It’s bad that the Obama administration deliberately – deliberatelytargeted the WWII monument for special restrictions after a veterans’ group made the mistake of thinking that Barack Obama is a reasonable man who runs a reasonable executive branch, and thus would treat that group’s request for assistance with the respect that it deserved.

But this is the nasty part. This is the part where the spite comes into play. Continue reading Barack Obama spitefully *chose* to make WWII Memorial inaccessible to veterans.