My RedState piece on Team Trump’s VA Charity woes.

Found here. Short version? Somebody over at Team Trump has fornicated the canine when it comes to all that veteran charity money Donald Trump supposedly raised.  Not Trump himself, most likely; but somebody in his staff. There’s allegedly three million or so that hasn’t been accounted for… and finding out precisely what happened should prove amusing in 2017.  Because people go to jail for stuff like this.

Bruce Braley (D CAND, Iowa-SEN): loves fundraisers, shrugs off veterans.

First, let me show you this advert via the (left-leaning) Sunlight Foundation: Bruce Braley, sucking up to public sector unions and the rest of Big Labor.

bruce braley

Now, you may be going So what? Everybody knows that all Democratic politicians suck up to Big Labor.  This isn’t news.  …Well, that’s a cynical way of looking at it, but never mind that right now.  The question is, what should Bruce Braley have been doing on that day? Continue reading Bruce Braley (D CAND, Iowa-SEN): loves fundraisers, shrugs off veterans.

Politico: Hey, look at all these GOP arguments against Eric Shinseki! …ARE YOU LOOKING?

There Politico goes, putting words in our mouth again:

GOP leaders and officials have spent the last week talking about the backlogs and misconduct, but what they’re hoping voters hear is: Obama is still an unprepared executive who needs to be stripped of power in the midterms. Once again, they say, he’s presenting himself as an angry bystander, confronted with high-profile management failures on his watch that he says he learned about from news reports.

Unlike in October, when Republicans focused their message on calling for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to be fired, they’ve gone broader now, saying this is about more than VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, whom most have avoided calling on to resign or be fired.

This, they say, is much, much bigger — the phrase that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and his colleagues have been emphasizing is “systemic failure.”

Continue reading Politico: Hey, look at all these GOP arguments against Eric Shinseki! …ARE YOU LOOKING?

How many veterans will have to die of neglect before Eric Shinseki resigns?

Because whatever the number is, it’s apparently “more than forty:” “At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list. The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources.”

…Only it wasn’t much of a secret, given that what went on here. Essentially, VA officials created a dummy list that made it look like they were processing veterans care in a timely fashion, while keeping actual sick veterans on a separate list that had some of them waiting for months for healthcare appointments.  This, indeed, resulted in veterans dying before they could be seen by a doctor: and before anyone thinks that I’m exaggerating the situation, please note that everybody concedes that Phoenix VA officials were actually shredding records to hide the problem.  So this was all known, including internally – but the resulting stink raised inside the organization over this went nowhere for months, apparently. Take a gander at this:

Continue reading How many veterans will have to die of neglect before Eric Shinseki resigns?

Hardcore antiwar Left attempts to hijack public anger at @barackobama over #shutdown.

You might have noticed last night the groundwork for a future attempt (probably later today) to incite outrage about war veterans getting arrested at a Vietnam Veterans memorial.  Turns out that these particular war veterans get arrested every year – in New York – as part of their general antiwar protesting.  Don’t believe me?  Believe the Atlantic, then:

The gathering took place in part to protest the twelfth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. A similar protest and set of arrests occurred last year at the memorial. In the video embedded below, a veteran tells police that they are there to bring awareness to the “immense atrocities” committed in Vietnam, and that “some of you are so much younger, and history has been denied you, so you just need to know why we are here.”

As you can see, this has nothing to do with Barack Obama or the government shutdown at all.  Or, really, our veterans – given that this group thinks that those who served in Vietnam are unindicted war criminals. Continue reading Hardcore antiwar Left attempts to hijack public anger at @barackobama over #shutdown.

Barack Obama spitefully *chose* to make WWII Memorial inaccessible to veterans.

Every time I look at the WWII Memorial story, it gets worse.

It’s bad that the Obama administration closed down national monuments and museums, because it thinks that attacking DC tourism will give the Democratic party leverage over the Republican party.

It’s bad that the Obama administration tried to keep WWII veterans away from the monument that honors them. It failed, of course, but they shouldn’t have tried.

It’s bad that the Obama administration deliberately – deliberatelytargeted the WWII monument for special restrictions after a veterans’ group made the mistake of thinking that Barack Obama is a reasonable man who runs a reasonable executive branch, and thus would treat that group’s request for assistance with the respect that it deserved.

But this is the nasty part. This is the part where the spite comes into play. Continue reading Barack Obama spitefully *chose* to make WWII Memorial inaccessible to veterans.

Why has Bob Filner not been arrested? #waronwomen

Is there not enough evidence by now for a grand jury? Because there are several members of the National Women’s Veterans Association of America (NWVAA) that would no doubt like an answer to those two questions.

Three weeks ago, as women began to step forward to reveal instances of sexual harassment, the veterans at the NWVAA began to compare notes.

Tara Jones, the president of the group, said she’s spoken to seven to eight women who had varying encounters with Filner at the women’s veteran events, from groping to unwanted requests for dates.

“He went to dinners, asked women out to dinners, grabbed breasts, buttocks. The full gamut. Everything that is complete violation of what we stand for,” Jones said. “He’s a sexual predator. And he used this organization for his own personal agenda.”

Continue reading Why has Bob Filner not been arrested? #waronwomen


(Via JWF, via Instapundit)

If I’m not actually outraged at this exhibition of amazingly bad judgement – and, not to mention, taste – by Florida Democrats:

…it’s because amazement and entertained scorn have already taken up all the available emotional space in my head.  Somebody in general thought that it was a good idea to take an American flag and replace the stars with Obama’s head.  Somebody in the Lake County, Florida Democratic party thought that it was a good idea to put up that flag at their headquarters. And, of course, someb – no, wait, we have a name for this one – Lake County Democratic party chair Nancy Hurlburt thought that it was a good idea to actually argue with a bunch of ticked-off military veterans who stopped by to complain. Continue reading #rsrh OBAMAFLAG!