Dear me, but this Granite State poll is HORRIBLE for New Hampshire Democrats.

This is not a good polling position for incumbent Congresswomen to be in:

  • In CD-1, Frank Guinta now beats Carol Shea Porter 45-39 (it was 48-32 the other way in October 2013). Dan Innis is still behind by ten, and that’s about the only good news for the Democrats in this poll.
  • In CD-2, Ann Kuster is only beating Gary Lambert 38-34 (a small slip for Lambert from October) and Marilinda Garcia 36-30.

…and you have to wonder how the Democratic Senate and gubernatorial candidates are going to feel about this, too.  Aside from a certain sick feeling in their stomachs, of course.  That’s pretty much a given. Continue reading Dear me, but this Granite State poll is HORRIBLE for New Hampshire Democrats.

#Obamacare tanking among the uninsured.

This Kaiser Obamacare poll should be setting off alarm bells in the White House:

Uninsured Americans — the people that the Affordable Care Act was designed to most aid — are increasingly critical of the law as its key provisions kick in, a poll released Thursday finds.This month’s tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 47 percent of the uninsured said they hold unfavorable views of the law while 24 percent said they liked it. These negative views have increased since December, when 43 percent of the uninsured panned the law and 36 percent liked it.

…but whether it actually will or not remains to be seen. David Freddoso runs through the possible reasons why the uninsured are souring on the law (short version: they’re finally taking a look at it)… and the rest of this original post will probably become its own post, at some point.  It went rather far afield.

Nasty South Carolinian bigot Dick Harpootlian visited White House.

Way to bury the lead there, Wall Street Journal. Forget various Democrats whining about where that sweet, sweet campaign contribution money is going: this is a bit more pressing.

[Dick] Harpootlian said he visited Joe Biden, the other most prominent potential 2016 contestant, in the White House about a month ago and told the vice president he would support him if he decides to run.

Continue reading Nasty South Carolinian bigot Dick Harpootlian visited White House.

Update on Martha Robertson’s (D CAND, New York-23 PRI) cyber-attack accusations.

Meet Martha Robertson.  Democrat, hoping to run in NY-23. Made an interesting accusation and promise, back in October of 2013:

Republicans have been pressuring Robertson to provide proof that GOP operatives attempted to hack her campaign website. Robertson made that claim in a Sept. 30 fundraising email.

“We’re working to hire a cyber-security firm to take a serious look at that and investigate everything that happened. Beyond that it’s really better to leave it up to them,” Robertson said in an Oct. 9 interview.

Annnd how did that investigation go?  Well, according to this FEC report for 4Q 2013, it didn’t go at all: if Robertson had an investigation done, it wasn’t paid for by the campaign.  Now, I am not an expert on this sort of thing, but as I understand the rules involving a FEC Form 3: Schedule B is for the reporting of all disbursements to vendors for campaign-related work. That there is no listing there for a cyber-security investigation seems very interesting.  Almost as interesting? The fact that the campaign has been ducking this question since at least December. Continue reading Update on Martha Robertson’s (D CAND, New York-23 PRI) cyber-attack accusations.

NYC continues its slow slide off of the beam. :shrug: Ehh, they chose their fate.

(Via Instapundit) Yeah, I’m just going to skip going into NYC for, oh, about a decade or so:

All summer long, then-candidate Bill de Blasio pulled no punches in his opposition to aggressive policing — in particular, to stop-and-frisk — and so the principal question going into his mayoralty was this: When it comes to public safety, did he believe his own rhetoric?

Turns out, Bill’s a believer.

He made that clear enough last week, standing super-tall with all the usual suspects — plus, ominously, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton — to announce not only that the city is rescinding its appeal of last year’s discredited federal-court stop-and-frisk ruling, but that it’s unilaterally adopting policies that over time stand to make the city much less safe.

Continue reading NYC continues its slow slide off of the beam. :shrug: Ehh, they chose their fate.

Maureen Dowd: Yeah, OK, Rand Paul is onto something here with regard to Bill Clinton.

This is an interesting Maureen Dowd piece: there’s a good bit less teeth-gritting going on than I expected.

Senator Claire McCaskill told Andrea Mitchell that she found [Senator Rand] Paul’s comments [about Bill Clinton] “infuriating,” and that he was just “grasping,” trying to show he could be tough in a bid to win the presidential nomination.

But back when McCaskill, now on Team Clinton, was trying to crush Team Clinton and get Barack Obama elected, she said this about Bill: “He’s been a great leader, but I don’t want my daughter near him.”

Paul brought that up with me, suggesting that if McCaskill were being honest and not partisan, she would still be worried about having her daughter around Bill and that maybe there’s a double standard for the famous.

Continue reading Maureen Dowd: Yeah, OK, Rand Paul is onto something here with regard to Bill Clinton.