Man stabbed with Legend of Zelda Master Sword in serious condition

Few could doubt the power of the Master Sword, not only has it defeated countless incarnations of Ganondorf in the Legend of Zelda series, but now it has hospitalised a Texan.

A man was stabbed with the point of a replica of the legendary sword during a domestic dispute in the city of Katy.


…The ex-husband was taken to hospital following the altercation, but not before he, in true Zelda fashion, smashed a pot (a flower pot, over the head of Thompson).


Moe Lane

H/T AoSHQ, who is also so going to Hell for this.

If @Keurig adds DRM to its K-Cup system, I will stop buying Keurig products.

Simple as that.

Keurig is setting itself up to attempt a type of coffee “DRM” on the pods used in its coffee-making machines, according to a report from Techdirt. Keurig’s next-gen machines would be unable to interact with third-party coffee pods, thus locking customers into buying only the Keurig-branded K-cups or those of approved partners.

The single-cup coffee brewers made by Keurig (owned by Green Mountain Coffee) spurred a rush by coffee brands into the single-cup-pod trade. The K-Cup patent expired in 2012, and prior to that, Green Mountain bought up many of its competitors, including Tully’s Coffee Corporation and Timothy’s Coffees. Competitors continue to sell K-Cups, often at a 15- to 25 percent markdown from Green Mountain’s own pods, according to a lawsuit filed against Green Mountain by TreeHouse Foods.

Hey, you know what else is simple, more or less? The K-Cup brewing process itself. Coming up with a device that can duplicate Keurig’s brewing and uses a K-cup doesn’t sound impossibly difficult. It’s essentially ‘high-speed pushing hot water through pre-made grounds:” I’m mildly shocked that there aren’t knockoffs already…

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

Will Kyrsten Sinema (D, AZ-09) bolt for the safety of AZ-07?

You know, when I heard a few days ago that beleaguered freshman Democrat Kyrsten Sinema was thinking from switching from her unpleasantly (to her) competitive AZ-09 seat to the much more suitable (for her) AZ-07 seat,  I was… skeptical.  Basically, the long-time Democratic incumbent in AZ-07 (Ed Pastor) is retiring after this term, and while I can understand Sinema’s presumed logic there (it’s a hardcore D+16 seat; whoever wins the Democratic primary there probably wins the election) the truth is that a lot of people in the Arizona Democratic party would rightly see the switch as a net loss.  This is a bad year for a Democrat to win an open R+1 seat, which is what the situation would be in AZ-09 if Sinema switches: if that happens, the Democrats go from having a tough fight that they might win to having a tough fight that they’d likely lose. I assumed, in other words, that basic tactical reality would inform the Congresswoman’s choices.

Maybe not. Continue reading Will Kyrsten Sinema (D, AZ-09) bolt for the safety of AZ-07?

@BarackObama reportedly planning #obamacare plan cancellation delay…

…in order to help(?) Democrats.

The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats.

As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare’s minimum coverage requirements.

Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.

Couple of things about this. Note that all of this assumes that the administration can get away with unilaterally and retroactively changing the health care law again: Barack Obama is riding the GOP’s quite understandable reluctance to impeach him right into the ground*. Continue reading @BarackObama reportedly planning #obamacare plan cancellation delay…

So I hear that Texas Democrats are about to nominate a LaRouchie for TX-SEN.

Oh, yeah, like that’s not going to be awkward.

Texas Democrats are scrambling to can stop a controversial pro-impeachment, anti-ObamaCare candidate from advancing in their party’s Senate primary.

Winning the general election is long shot for any nominee. But with Democrats optimistic about a resurgence in the Lone Star State and their chances in the governor’s race, Lyndon LaRouche acolyte Kesha Rogers could damage those hopes if she even advances to a runoff on Tuesday.

Such a scenario once seemed like a long shot, but a University of Texas-Texas Tribune Internet-based survey late last month showed the controversial candidate outpolling two better-funded and well-endorsed opponents, dentist David Alameel and attorney Maxey Scherr.

Mind you – and contra the Hill – the Democrats aren’t about to win the Governor’s race this fall.  And I would suggest that the people who let this situation arise in the Democratic primaries… are wonderful people who shouldn’t change a thing.  Well done, folks.  Well done.

Moe Lane

PS: No. Really. I am terrified of the Democrats in Texas now.  They can even repeat that, I am so despondent…

I am now conflicted about Whole Foods.

Half of me never, ever wants to shop there

The problem with Whole Foods is their regular customers. They are, across the board, across the country, useless, ignorant, and miserable. They’re worse than miserable, they’re angry. They are quite literally the opposite of every Whole Foods employee I’ve ever encountered. Walk through any store any time of day—but especially 530pm on a weekday or Saturday afternoon during football season—and invariably you will encounter a sneering, disdainful horde of hipster Zombies and entitled 1%ers.

Continue reading I am now conflicted about Whole Foods.

The New Republic is apparently as mature as my seven year old.

Sure, TNR gets points for finally admitting reality.

Here are Romney’s remarks, in their full context, which came during a conversation with Wolf Blitzer:

[snip of Romney accurately describing the nature of the current Russian regime and its essential and unique adversarial nature towards us]

This all seems…exactly right.

…but that’s not enough.  I mean, I know that it’s hard to admit that you were wrong about something, and that you’re sorry: as I said, I have a seven year old that needs to be prompted about that from time to time.  But he’s seven.  What’s TNR’s excuse?

Moe Lane

The funniest Supreme Court amicus curiae submission you’re likely to read today.

I’m not going to go overmuch into the background: you should instead read the amicus curiae.  Which, given that it was clearly written by PJ O’Rourke and the Cato Institute on the virtues of humor and satire in free speech, will be no burden:
In modern times, “truthiness”— a “truth” asserted “from the gut” or because it “feels right,” without regard to evidence or logic — is also a key part of political discourse. It is difficult to imagine life without it, and our political discourse is weakened by Orwellian laws that try to prohibit it.
After all, where would we be without the knowledge that Democrats are pinko-communist flag-burners who want to tax churches and use the money to fund abortions so they can use the fetal stem cells to create pot-smoking lesbian ATF agents who will steal all the guns and invite the UN to take over America? Voters have to decide whether we’d be better off electing Republicans, those hateful, assault-weapon-wielding maniacs who believe that George Washington and Jesus Christ incorporated the nation after a Gettysburg reenactment and that the only thing wrong with the death penalty is that it isn’t administered quickly enough to secular-humanist professors of Chicano studies.
Read, as they say, the whole thing. And yes, that was submitted to the US Supreme Court.

Bill Clinton poses with man who called @BarackObama an indentured servant.

(Via @PJMedia_com) Oh, sure, Bill Clinton also posed with a couple of prostitutes, but they were legal ones from Nevada. This is easily more problematical:


Continue reading Bill Clinton poses with man who called @BarackObama an indentured servant.