Harry Reid opposes gay marriage!

Either that, or all the boxing Harry Reid did is starting to catch up with him.  Your call.

And let’s be honest: it’s entirely possible that Harry Reid actually does have a problem with homosexuality. It’s just that he belongs to a political party that ruthlessly enforces uniformity of thought on that topic. Which is a shame, really; doing that doesn’t stop people from crimethink. It just teaches them to hide it well. Fortunately, Dick Cheney and I belong to a party that is far more sensible about its heretics…

Moe Lane

Turkey: An independent Kurdistan? What a FINE idea!

Apparently the rules of the game have changed:

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The Kurds of Iraq have the right to decide the future of their land, said Huseyin Celik, a spokesman for Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Friday.

“The Kurds of Iraq can decide for themselves the name and type of the entity they are living in,” Celik told Rudaw in an interview to be published soon.

The AKP is the party of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan under whom Ankara and Erbil have built strong economic and diplomatic relations.

In case Iraq gets partitioned, said Celik, “the Kurds, like any other nation, will have the right to decide their fate.”

To answer Ace of Spades’s question of why Turkey is doing this now: it’s because the Kurds are happy to sell things to Turks, like access to vacation facilities… and more importantly, oil. Lots and lots of oil.  Under circumstances like that, arrangements can, as they say, be made.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: You may be asking yourself, If Turkey really is fine with an independent Kurdistan now, what’s going to stop the Kurds from taking away, say, Mosul from ISIS? That’s… an interesting question.

Gov. John Hickenlooper drops the F-bomb during Colorado sheriffs’ meeting.

I’m just going to send people over to RedState for this one: but I will note that while I’m glad that John Hickenlooper seems to think that being raked over the coals for he and his staff’s incredibly clumsy imposition of new gun control laws is exasperatingly funny*, many of us find Colorado’s gun control laws to simply be exasperating. It would be nice if more elected Democrats actually read the Constitution.  The real one, not the one that the Left dreams of.

Moe Lane

*Expect the usual suspects to cling to the laughter of the sheriffs like a drowning man clings to a spar. If for no other reason than that it will distract them from the sight of one of their most powerful governors crawling on his belly before gun rights activists…

So, Gary King’s (D CAND, New Mexico-GOV) hired a fascinating fellow to be his campaign manager.

I wonder if anybody bothered to tell Gary King to always do oppo on your own people, too.

The new campaign manager for the Democrat challenging New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (R.) has a history of derogatory tweets towards women and offensive comments against Republicans.

Gary King, New Mexico’s attorney general who won the Democratic primary to challenge Martinez earlier this month, announced the hiring of Steve Verzwyvelt on Monday.

Continue reading So, Gary King’s (D CAND, New Mexico-GOV) hired a fascinating fellow to be his campaign manager.

Sure, Hillary Clinton should promise to fulfill Barack Obama’s legacy!

I don’t really want* to fisk this article on how Hillary Clinton should run on a platform of being Barack Obama’s third term – she totally should, by the way – but it’s hard not to fisk when somebody leads off with a sentence this interruptible.  So let me just interject, the one time:

Conventional wisdom has it that President Obama’s middling poll numbers will be a drag on Hillary Clinton’s presumed march toward the presidency.

…Actually, conventional wisdom has it that President Obama’s second term poll numbers are awful, are likely to continue to be so, and are already notably below average for Presidents halfway through their second term. That’s because conventional wisdom knows that Gallup has a website where it keeps track of such things. Continue reading Sure, Hillary Clinton should promise to fulfill Barack Obama’s legacy!

Martha Robertson (D CAND, New York-2[3*]) using already debunked DCCC talking points.

Martha Robertson (D CAND, NY-23), having apparently not learned her lesson about telling lies in the course of campaigning, is doubling down on stupid:

Two weeks ago, a local news station ran a story concerning Robertson’s claim that the VA suffered from “decades of underfunding.” That claim had previously been rates as false.

Robertson then shifted gears and falsely accused Congressman Reed of voting “against reducing the VA backlog, funding to process more disability claims for wounded warriors, medical and prosthetic research, medical services for post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide prevention, and homeless programs for veterans.”

Martha got those talking points straight from a DCCC press release and THOSE EXACT TALKING POINTS WERE JUST RULED FALSE BY POLITIFACT.

Bolding the NRCC’s, for once: although I have to admit, it’s surprising to see Politifact actually smack down Democratic talking points like this, apparently on multiple occasions.

Continue reading Martha Robertson (D CAND, New York-2[3*]) using already debunked DCCC talking points.

Tweet of the Day, HAHAHA @froomkin Is An Absolute Hypocrite edition.

God, this is beautiful.

Summary: when Republicans report that emails have been lost (as they did in 2007), Dan Froomkin takes the most damning position on that possible. But when Democrats report that emails have been lost… well. Different story there altogether, folks.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, maybe Froomkin can blame this one on the Washington Establishment, too. And yes, I noticed that the fellow didn’t even have the common decency to link to me, back in 2009, which is honestly quite flattering. It’s when a man is being petty that you can see his true nature.

…Yeah, that sounded better in my head.