Rumors that Establishment GOP is backing off in MS-SEN.

There will be a great and terrible compulsion for some to cackle over this.

Establishment Republicans are in a tough spot in Mississippi.

They want Thad Cochran to win the coming runoff, and could spend tons of cash to attack tea-party challenger Chris McDaniel. But they know the sitting senator is more likely to lose, and going after his opponent will only damage the party’s ability to beat the Democratic candidate and take over the Senate.

Don’t.  They’re going in the direction many of you probably want them to go.  Kicking them along the way might feel nice, but it also runs the risk of stiffening their spines.


Tweet of the Day, The White House Really DOES Abuse Susan Rice, Doesn’t It? edition.

Betcha the White House wouldn’t have made this regrettably necessary if Susan Rice was a white dude:

It’s very much a bro-ganization over there these days, huh?

Senator Chuck Schumer has no idea at ALL about what Thomas Jefferson said, wrote, or thought.

Oh, Chuck Schumer.

“I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the Bill of Rights, on what’s being proposed here, he’d agree with it. He would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” Mr. Schumer said.

Funny: I think that Thomas Jefferson is even at this moment being gently but firmly dissuaded from manifesting on Earth with a large stick and an eye towards beating United States Senators who are too ignorant of their own country’s history to be able to tell the difference between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison*. Continue reading Senator Chuck Schumer has no idea at ALL about what Thomas Jefferson said, wrote, or thought.

White House accuses military veterans of ‘Swift-Boating’ them.

This is as nasty as the Left can get:

Chuck Todd told Matt Lauer on Wednesday that the White House was “caught flat-footed” on the backlash against the prisoner swap for Sergeant Bergdahl.

“I’ve had a few aides describe it to me as ‘we didn’t know that they were going to Swift Boat Bergdahl’,” Todd said, “And Matt, of course, that’s a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over John Kerry’s military service which became so controversial in that campaign. So there’s some fighting words there.”

Remember, to Democrats ‘Swift-boating‘ doesn’t mean ‘Telling people accurate, yet inconvenient, details about a candidate’s military record.’  To them that term means ‘lying.’  Which is an absolutely fascinating thing for the White House to say about what appears to be a nigh-universal reaction from the US military.  The relevant video footage is belowContinue reading White House accuses military veterans of ‘Swift-Boating’ them.

Looks like Jodi Ernst over in Iowa-SEN. (via @AoSHQDD).

AoSHQDD is calling it for her.  As for Mississippi… it’s far too exciting for both Cochran’s and McDaniel’s partisans right now, which is one reason why I’m kind of glad to have stayed out of that one.  I can take a detached view of the results.

You really should follow AoSHQDD, by the way.  They’re doing the Lord’s work there when it comes to tabulating election results.

Please note: the Robocop statue was NOT unveiled today.

Which I should have realized right from the start.

Despite those Web stories to the contrary, the RoboCop statue is not being debuted today in the Motor City.

But RoboCop, or at least someone in a pretty cool Robo-costume, is throwing out the first pitch tonight for the Detroit Tigers.

After all: I helped back the project.  It’d be reasonable to expect that they’d tell me when it was going live.

Harry Reid is publicly confused again. #bergdahl

I don’t think he’s doing it deliberately, either.

Or perhaps he meant to do it deliberately, only he… forgot? Discussing Reid’s mental state is getting to be an awkward topic.

…Wow, this was an incoherent post.

I was pretty much out and out babbling about Harris v. Quinn, at first. Not that the case isn’t important, of course – forced unionization dues – but I was treating it as this epic level court case, the universe was hanging on the results, yadda yadda.  Clearly I need a nap.

Moe Lane

PS: Didn’t help that I kept writing it as Harley v. Quinn, either.

Senator Chris Murphy (D, Connecticut) comes out in favor of military deserter Bowe Bergdahl!

I fully expect that this tweet will get deleted very, very quickly:

Continue reading Senator Chris Murphy (D, Connecticut) comes out in favor of military deserter Bowe Bergdahl!