I was mildly reluctant to post on the jobs report, *because* it’s bad.

Because if we’re being completely honest about it, the jobs reports have been good news – well, better news than usual – for the administration. I’m not in this gig to make life easier for the administration, you grok? – Mind you, they totally deserve the heartburn… but if I’m not going to note the spate of good reports once they started showing up, then I should let the odd bad report slide, right?  That’s what some of the folks on the Left would argue, and to be fair, I can see that argument.

…Only good GOD, but this was a disaster in real-time. Continue reading I was mildly reluctant to post on the jobs report, *because* it’s bad.

The Clinton machine threatens Martin O’Malley. Note the choice of subject noun.

This passage is even more revealing than it appears:

Recently, a representative from the Hillary Clinton camp delivered a message to Martin O’Malley, the former Maryland governor preparing to challenge Clinton for the 2016 Democratic nomination.

I have some good news and some bad news, the messenger said.

What’s the good news? asked O’Malley.

The good news is we’re taking you seriously, the messenger answered. And the bad news is … we’re taking you seriously.

Continue reading The Clinton machine threatens Martin O’Malley. Note the choice of subject noun.

Be blessed if I can figure out what to spend this $5 on Amazon on.

I could stand to buy something silly if not outright frivolous, I suspect. Any good suggestions for an Amazon.com five-buck bargain? …I’m not really interested in anything practical, unless it’s also ridiculously awesome.

Moe Lane

PS: You get to write lame-ass posts like this on your own. personal blog.  Besides, some of my readers may be looking for suggestions, too.

Watch the Progressive Left Embrace The Crazy over Memories Pizza.

Dear God but this is bizarre.

Yeah, apparently the going theory among my super-genius counterparts on the Other Side is that Memories Pizza planned out ahead of time to get a bunch of semi-literate, provincial trash to scream death threats and foul language at them, just so the pizzeria could collect over $547K in two days in donations.  I suppose that this is preferable to admitting that this specific Two-Minutes Hate spectacularly backfired*, but honestly?  It’s not preferable by much. Continue reading Watch the Progressive Left Embrace The Crazy over Memories Pizza.

I have a complex opinion on Sen. Feinstein’s desire to ban The Anarchist Cookbook.

Background here.  Anyway:

  • On the one hand, I agree that free speech includes ‘speech that you don’t like.’
  • On the other hand, I also agree that ‘Here’s how to make a Molotov cocktail to throw at authority figures’ more or less deliberately aims to stretch ‘speech that you don’t like’ to the breaking point, or possibly beyond it.
  • On the gripping hand, as I understand it trying to follow the recipes found in The Anarchist’s Cookbook is an excellent way to blow yourself up.  Or, to further quote Niven and Pournelle: think of it as evolution in action*.

Continue reading I have a complex opinion on Sen. Feinstein’s desire to ban The Anarchist Cookbook.

Book of the Week: “The Complete Paratime.”

I knew I was forgetting something, and here it is: the Book of the Week. H. Beam Piper’s The Complete Paratime; it collects Piper’s Paratime alternate history story with his seminal Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. This is one of the classics of the genre, folks.  If you haven’t read ’em yet, go for it.

And so, adieu, Werewolf Cop.

Moe Lane

Quote of the Day, SOMEBODY Made A Mistake Here…

…and it wasn’t my side:

According to a March edition of the Marist poll, 54 percent of Americans agreed with  “allowing First Amendment religious liberty protection or exemptions for faith based organizations and individuals even when it conflicts with government laws.” By a two-point margin, 47-45, even a plurality of Democratic voters agreed with that.

The margins were even larger in opposition to laws that proposed “penalties or fines for individuals who refuse to provide wedding-related services to same sex couples even if their refusal is based on their religious beliefs.” …Americans oppose penalties on businesses like Memories by a 65-31 margin. The margin among Democrats: 62-34 against.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, SOMEBODY Made A Mistake Here…